Saturday 28th of September 2024
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Professor Ansarian: The manifestations of Divine Mercy is the Respite which is given to the sinful, perverse and ruthless

Professor Ansarian: The manifestations of Divine Mercy is the Respite which is given to the sinful, perverse and ruthless

Professor Ansarian in his lecture in the Holy Shrine of Hadhrat Masoumeh (a.s) talked about the procedures of reforming heart. He also said: the important parts of the Holy Quran and the Narrations of Ahlul Bayt (A) are about the heart. There is a verse of holy Quran about the heart. This verse is related to the resurrection day of all men and women that Allah Almighty says: «يَوْمَ لاٰ يَنْفَعُ مٰالٌ وَ لاٰ بَنُونَ» “on the Day of Judgment when neither wealth nor children will be of any benefit”

The Almighty Allah has mentioned in this verse that your wealth has no benefit for you on the Day of Judgment because you have no wealth to get benefit from. You were all born naked and will exit the world with a shirt by the name of Shroud or Kafan. This shroud will be eaten and destroyed by the grave itself, so no wealth will be left for you in the hereafter.

 on the Day of Judgment , all human beings are deprived of the wealth they used to have in this world. The children are also responsible for their own deeds and they have nothing to do with you.

So the only thing which can come in handy and be beneficial on the day of judgment is the healthy heart you can develop in this world and this healthy heart can either open the doors of paradise and lock the doors of hell or vice versa.

 He also added: if one,s heart is reformed with the following lights and means they can easily open the doors of paradise and close the doors of hell, the light number one is believing in Almighty Allah, the light number two is believing in the day of judgment, and the light number three is believing in divine angels, and the fourth light is believing in divine prophets, and the last light which you can enlighten your heart with is believing in the Holy Quran,

When the heart is decorated with the above mentioned lights, the heart can change into a healthy one and this healthy heart is the key of opening the Paradise doors and closing the hell,s doors.

source : erfan.ir
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