Sunday 24th of November 2024
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What are the holy prophet,s miracles that are mentioned in the holy Quran?

What are the holy prophet,s miracles that are mentioned in the holy Quran?

What are the holy prophet,s miracles that are mentioned in the holy Quran?
Miracle is an action that was done by the divine prophets to prove their mission and the ordinary people were not able to do to it.
The Holy Quran is the greatest miracle of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh). There are a great deal of various verses that prove this divine book is a miracle. Besides, there are lot of verses in the holy Quran that part of these verses are the miracle of the Holy prophet; like predicting about future news, telling the past news, the greatest divine principles and teachings and so on…because people got to know these great articles and contents. The Holy Quran also speaks of two other miracles of the holy prophet which are Isra and Miraj (Night Journey), and his second miracle is the Splitting of the moon which is mentioned in the beginning of Surah Al-Qamar.

source : erfan.ir
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