Saturday 28th of September 2024
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"Ensure your wealth by paying Zakat”

"Ensure your wealth by paying Zakat”

mam Ja’far Sadiq, peace be on him, says: “Zakat has been prescribed for the purpose that the rich people should be tested and the poor should be helped. If people had paid Zakat for their wealth there would have been no indigent Muslim. On the other hand by means of this right fixed for the poor by Allah the poor would have become free from need. Hence, if poor and hungry persons are found, it is on account of the sin committed by the rich and it is only appropriate that Allah may withhold His blessings from those people who have not attended to the rights of the needy”. (Man la Yahzurulhul Faqih, p.151)

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“Allah has fixed a share for the poor in the wealth of the rich and made the poor as partners in their assets. No rich person deserves praise unless he pays that right Viz. Zakat. By means of Zakat the lives of the poor are guaranteed and with this act, a Muslim is called a Muslim”. (furu’ul Kafi, vol.1, p.140)

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Imam Ja’far Sadiq, peace be on him, says: “Allah has fixed 25 dirhams as Zakat out of 1000 dirhams because He has created the human beings and knows the extent of their needs. He knows that out of every 1000 persons 25 are poor and has fixed their share accordingly. And if the number of such persons had been more than this He would have fixed a larger share for them because Allah is their Creator and is aware of their condition”. (Man La Yahzurulhul Faqih, p.151)

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The Holy Prophet, peace be on him and his progeny says: “Ensure your wealth by paying Zakat”. (Wasa’ilush Shi’ah, vol.II, p.4)

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Imam Ali(A.S.) says: “Zakat, along with prayers, has been held for Muslims to be a means of Proximity to Allah. It becomes atonement for the sins of a person who pays it willingly and protects him from the fire of Hell. Hence none should pay it with a heavy heart and feel sad on account of its payment”. (Nahjul Balaghah, p.635)

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“Do not forget to pay Zakat, for Zakat quenches the wrath of Allah”. (Kitab Salim bin Qays, p.15)

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Imam Muhammad Baqir quotes from Imam Ali, who quoted from the Holy Prophet, peace be on him and his progeny: “If people refrain from paying Zakat, Allah’s Blessings will also be withheld from the earth. (Furu’ul Kafi, vol.1, p.142)

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Imam Ja’far Sadiq, peace be on him, also says: “One who refrains from paying the minimum amount of Zakat (one carat) is neither a believer nor a Muslim”. (Wasa’ilush Shi’ah, vol.II, p.5)

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Alimighty Allah says: “A day (will arrive when) these coins will be made red hot with the fire of Hell and will be tattooed on their foreheads, backs and the lateral sides”. (Surah Tawbah, 9:35)

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Imam Ja’far Sadiq, peace be on him, says thus in connection with such rights: “Almighty Allah has fixed other rights, besides Zakat, in the property of the rich and He says: “Only those persons can withstand hardships who determine a right in their wealth for the poor. This right is besides Zakat and is a right which a person makes obligatory upon himself. He should fix it according to his means and pay it daily or once in a week or once in a month. And Allah says again: “Make a good loan to Allah”. This is in addition to Zakat and further says: “Those people who spend in the way of Allah openly and secretly”.
“And again ma’oun is also the same thing money should be lent or something may be given on loan or a good deed may be done. And one of the things which are counted as assets besides Zakat in the sympathetic consideration about which Allah says: And the people who hold it firmly and about which Allah has given orders. Hence anyone who acquits himself of the duties which Allah has made obligatory upon him has performed what was due from him”. (Furu’ul Kafi, vol.1, p.140)

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Imam Ja’far Sadiq, peace be on him, says: “Do you think that Allah has fixed only Zakat in your wealth ? (If it is so, you are mistaken). That which Allah has fixed besides Zakat is more than Zakat and the same should be spent on your relatives and on those who ask you for it”. (Furu’ul Kafi, vol.1, p.156)

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