Sunday 24th of November 2024
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Why do some people do not submit before the truth?

Why do some people do not submit before the truth?

Different factors can be the reason for this issue.


Being arrogant is an attribute which is for the devil or the Satan. He did not surrender to the truth and was arrogant.


One factor that causes some people to take an aggressive stance again the "right" or the truth and reject it, is "stubbornness".  If someone instead of being submissive toward the truth, act stubbornly toward the truth, he would be deprived of the truth and would fall in the Quagmire falsehood forever.

One Quranic example of this ugly trait is about the Pharaoh,s obstinacy in the face of clear miracles of Hazrat Musa (AS); they stubbornly insisted on the religion of their ancestors which was idol worshiping and said: have you two come to Dissuade us of the religion of our fathers and you want to have the presidency in the earth? We will never believe in you! Those deviated group never asked any questions about the truth of falsehood of the religion of Hazrat Musa (AS), just because that religion was against what their ancestors used to practice, they did not accept it.

In a hadith by Imam Ali (AS) who says: "obstinacy is the most disadvantageous things in the world and the Hereafter."

source : erfan.ir
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