Thursday 9th of January 2025
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Location of Ghadir Khumm

Location of Ghadir Khumm

Ghadir Khumm is located betweenMecca and Medina in the vicinity of

al-Juhfah. It was the place where pilgrims (hajis) from different provinces would part company and take different routes for their respective homes.
location of ghadir khumm

The nature of the land along the coastal line of theRed Sea

location of ghadir khumm

A sketch of the path taken the Prophet (PBUH) in his historic Hijrah

location of ghadir khumm

A sketch of the borders/boundaries of the Miqat and Al-Haram al-Makki

location of ghadir khumm

Ghadir spring that might be the historic spring that was cited in history books in the context of the Farewell Pilgrimage (Hajjat al-Wada")

location of ghadir khumm

Ghadir Mountain where waters run and valleys form in seasons of rain.

location of ghadir khumm

Palm trees that grew after stoppage of visitors and their eating of dates in the valley

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