Wednesday 15th of January 2025
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Crying for Almighty Allah

Crying for Almighty Allah

Professor Ansarian:

How can one force his eyes to cry? Because crying for Almighty Allah is of rules and conditions and of course many rewards and punishments. So in order to achieve this desired goal, one must first cure his heart and conscience. Healing of heart is fulfilled by avoiding and abandoning sins and reforming oneself. The weeping eyes are the sight of Allah,s grace. The human existence is like a dry land on which many mines are hidden.

As the Prophet (pbuh) said about it: People are like gold anld silver mines

This tear and that land is much more valuable than anything which has been created in the universe. The tear and weeping for Allah is more precious than the external and internal of everything that has been created in the whole universe.

Al-Kafi: 177/8, Hadith 5821.

source : erfan.ir
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