Sunday 24th of November 2024
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Is the Imam of the time married and have children?

Is the Imam of the time married and have children?

 Although it appears from some of the narrations and claims of the infallibles that the Imam of the time has spouse and children, there are also some narrations with a degree of validity that specify he has no children. In any case, it is likely that he has a wife and children, but we also have not found any valid tradition to be sure of his marriage and children. And it is not necessary to pursue this issue because what is certain is that the Imam of Time (aj) is living and he is in his occultation and whenever Allah Almighty wills, he will reappear, and our duty during the time occultation is to practice the religious duties and pray for the expedition of his reappearance.

source : erfan.ir
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