Sunday 23rd of June 2024
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Professor Ansarian: the door of science, ethic and faith of the infallible Imams and the prophets peace be upon them are always open for people.

Professor Ansarian: the door of science, ethic and faith of the infallible Imams and the prophets peace be upon them are always open for people.

The researcher, exegete and scholar of the Holy Quran believes obeying Allah Almighty, prophet and Ahlulbayt peace be upon them guarantee the prosperity and felicity of both this world and hereafter. He also added that obedience of the Allah, prophet (PBUH) and Ahlulbayt(A.S) is obligatory but this obligation is not a force upon us. Allah Almighty who is kind, generous, forgiving has not forcibly asked us to obey him, he has created us and sees our expediency and prosperity in this matter. The holy prophet and Ahlulbayt peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all know what kind of life would certainly guarantee our prosperity both in this world and hereafter. So we need to listen to them and never avoid obeying them for if we do so, the misery of this world and hereafter will be bound to happen.

source : erfan.ir
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