Sunday 24th of November 2024
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Why the creature should be submissive of the creator?

Why the creature should be submissive of the creator?

Obedience of one person from another person has different aspects. Sometimes a stupid person obeys someone like himself, and sometimes the wise obeys the wise and sometimes the wise obeys the stupid which all these cases are not acceptable and are counted illogical. But based on the verdict of intellect, if someone with less knowledge or information or someone who is totally clueless about the affairs obeys and follow someone who is perfectly wise and totally aware is not only an accepted and logical work but also an essential and obligatory issue. The Allah Almighty that the whole universe with everything in it has been created from his power and knowledge is naturally aware of all affairs and the mysteries of the universe. In contrast, his creatures that are in dire need of him and necessitate him in all aspects of their presence and essence, generally are unaware of the mysteries and the facts of the universe. Therefore, the wisdom and intellect require that the creature who cannot differentiate the truth about himself as well as many expediencies and corruptions and is unaware of the universal facts and the unseen realms compared with the lord of the universe who know the evil and good better than anything, and is very kind and sympathetic toward him and wants nothing but goodness and benedictions for him, should certainly be submissive so that he can reach the real salvation and perfection and get rid of the misfortune and hardships.

source : erfan.ir
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