Sunday 12th of January 2025
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Anti-Semitic Zionism

 Anti-Semitic "Zionism professes that Jews have exclusive right to my homeland. Any Jew has the automatic right to go to stay in" Israel. "My relatives, who were expelled in 1948, do not have that right. If that is not racism, What is it? " "I confess in all sincerity: when I saw on television the Israeli tanks on their way to Ramallah, an idea went through my soul in an involuntary and inevitable way: My God, how well you can see the star on the Jewish Israeli tanks and not- stitched on my clothes as in 1944. " By God, couldn’t Kertész just be happy of seeing it flying in a school? Does it have to be a tank? The survivor of Auschwitz does not tell us what these tanks will do in Ramallah; he does not care; he feels happy and secure as the good Germans they saw from their farms, passing their own coming from Poland, hunting of Jews. Kertész appoints with tricky manipulation, the attack on the bus line Jaifa-Jerusalem (these are all too many "pieces of shattered bodies" for an action certainly outrageous and unjustified, which caused a victim). What Kertész does not say is that, that night ten Israeli tanks and a bulldozer entered Rafah and demolished two houses without warning, dying crushed Taufiq Bereka, four years, that slept deeply and peacefully as all children do in that age - in his bed. How many Israelis have died in their beds under Palestinian bombs? These things do Merkava tanks that make so happy the heart of sensitive Kertész. They go to Ramallah demolishing houses, destroying ministries, cultural centers, archives, hospitals, schools bombed, raze olive trees, crushing tomato plants. And the children-children-when they see the Star of David stamped under the gun, since they are anti-Semitic, instead of rejoicing with Kertész, tremble of terror. The survivor of Auschwitz welcomes the terror of palestinian children. He can not avoid it; screams of joy. Who do you think you are little ones? Now we are the Nazis. Santiago Alba Rico. Imre Kertész, Nobel prize to Zionism Introduction The concept of anti-Semitism traditionally has been used to refer to the alleged "hatred" toward those of Jewish religion, therefore, this concept has been wrongly applied because: 1) Identifies the person of the Jewish religion with Semite, and there are several Semite people 2) They include Arabs, but not the Europeans and Latin Americans of the Jewish religion, which make up the bulk of the State's population foreign-Zionist-Israeli military. 3) Identifies being Jewish with belonging to an ethnic group, when there are Jews of all ethnicities. Being Jewish is to belong to a religion The neo-nazis manifest that all Jews are Zionists, and like the Zionists defined the Jews as a people and ethnicity; And that they support the murderous actions of the Zionist Israeli military foreign state occupier of all of Palestine. At the same time, the standardize system among Judaism (a religious and cultural tradition th at has five and a half millennia) and Zionism (political and ideological movement that has existed for less than a century and fourth) have also been perpetrated by a great part of the Jewish community (organized). Zionism, is a form of supremacy and ethnic-European colonization. All this means that the European Zionism is anti-Semitism. Both consequences of Capitalism. They postulate that Jews and non-Jews should live separately, this is the justification of the Zionist Israeli Military foreign state, and practicing apartheid against the Palestinian people. Herzl sought for a colonial granting with the explicit and public colonial support, since that would establish its own credibility among the Jews (1), would ensure the viability and the protection of the company, because he thought that the European powers would support Zionism for three main reasons: 1) Imperialist self-interest, 2) get rid of the Jews and anti-Semitism (in the case of Western Europe, avoiding the influx of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe) and 3) use the leverage to fight organized Jewish revolutionary movements and other internal factors. Herzl went first to the German kaiser, "the only man who would understand my plan" (2) because of the German cultural influence within zionist tables and because Germany was dedicated to advance its imperialist march eastward. In a draft letter to the kaiser, Herzl explained "that Palestine should be colonized because it occupied a strategic position and Europe, would sooner permit the settlement of the Jews, because of the present tilt in most places, to let go of the Jews "(3). The latter argument was what enabled M. From Pleuwhe, to accede, anti-Semitic Russian interior minister who supported the Zionist idea in 1903 (4). Zionist Strategy Zionism sought self realization through the mobilization of the Jews, negotiations with the imperialist powers and colonization. The main mobilizing force in favour of Zionism as anti-Semitism, Herzl declared: "You will not need any great effort to stimulate the flow of immigration. Antisemites already are working on this for us" (5). A prominent "spiritual" Zionist: Ahad Haam, described herzliano Zionism as “the product of anti-Semitism and it depends on anti-Semitism for its existence "(6). The Grand Duke of Baden told Herzl that people considered Zionism as a form of anti-Semitism, (7) and Herzl reported it without objection. Where anti-Semitism was weak or non-existent, the Zionist movement tried to awaken "the Jewish national sentiment" through propaganda, incitement and anti Jewish violence with special agents, as happened in Iraq after 1948. The other way to mobilize the Jewish mass was the distorted use of the notion of "chosen people", this in the racist climate of Europe of the nineteenth century, it was transformed so that it would be perceived as "the white man's job", united to the also distorted concept of "promised land" and the promise of "return" with the paradox that the "important" Zionists were interchangeably religious or not, or agnostics. Thus Moses Hess: every Jew has the elements of a messiah, each Jewish woman of a painful mater. While Ahad Ha'am: we feel like the aristocracy of history. And Herzl: our race is more efficient in everything that most of the other peoples of the earth (8). Ben Gurion, 1957: I believe in our moral and intellectual superiority to serve as a model for the redemption of the human race (9). Zionism, racism, colonialism and imperialism Another tactic used by Zionism, were the negotiations with the imperialist, the colonial tactic is the most telling feature of the nature of Zionism, because it explains its colonial nature, its dependence to imperialism and its racist attitudes regarding the Palestinians natives, and the reactionary role in the Middle East. From the beginning, and always, Zionist settlers tried to acquire land in strategic locations, and boycotting Palestinian peasants. All this, coldly planned and connected with the essence of Zionism: the creation of a Jewish nation on transformed earth "purely" Jewish, so Jewish as England was English (10). The mentality of Herzl, dominated by racism and colonialism stated: "The expropiation will be done voluntarily through our secret agents ... then we will only sell to Jews, and all real estate will be traded only among Jews ... Try to make the people who do not have money crossing the border by providing employment in the transit countries, while we deny them any employment in our own country... Both the process of expropiation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and with circumspección ... "But before we encourage them to leave, Herzl thought them some work: ..." If we are going to a region where there are wild animals to which they are not accustomed, Jews - large snakes, etc. .- I will use the natives, before giving them jobs in the transit countries, for the extermination of animals "(11). When he discovered that the Zionist colonies needed draining operations on a large scale, he decided to use the Arabs, since a fever attacked workers and he did not want to expose the Zionists to such dangers. Anglozionist Brotherhood The Zionist "Jewish National Home" took place in Palestine, with the force of British imperialist bayonets, the alliance and Anglozionist brotherhood, through violence and coercion were able to implant the artificial state and the military-Zionist agenda, as this anglozionist brotherhood invaded Palestine, evicted the native population through force and experienced terrorism until today, and have resorted to war and military occupation, for their expansionist aims, this expansion of domain operates as an economical, political and psychological internal mechanism to perform intimidation to the Palestinians, for the sake of imperialist designs in the Middle East. This expansionism, Herzl himself who was faithful admirer of the German expansionist and British imperialists: "We ask for what we need: more immigrants, more land" These attitudes are an inseparable part of Zionism, to the present day as can be seen in any form of foreign -Zionist-Israeli military policy. It was so called left or right, as it is by simple deduction of the so-called "common sense": 1) the inconsistency between Zionism and Left and 2) During two labour governments of the Zionist-Israeli military occupation, increased construction of illegal settlements in Palestine. Jay Gonen, writes: “They would give the Arabs racist and derogatory names they were convinced that the Arabs only understood the language of force, a bias that persisted for many years and became especially pronounced after the holocaust of the Second World War. Israelis also are convinced that physical force is the only political reality that has tangible and significant weight in the affairs of nations ... Israeli policy is conceptualized in terms of tanks, jets." It is noteworthy that the -Zionist colonialist racist attitudes towards the Palestinian Arabs are within the imperialist-Zionist context towards comprehensive Arab unity, which is why it has always been a lot of interest from England to attend the Zionist Organization and any other organization that can cooperate with the development of anglozionist colonization in Palestine. From the imperialist point of view, Zionist opposition to Arab unity is the behind reason of the Zionist state, from the point of view Zionist is a sine qua non. "Israel" is essentially a mean, a tool, an instrument, a bet against the liberation, unity, progress and Arab evolution. Nazism or national socialism or Zionism or anti-Semitism The national socialism was driven by Zionism and helped Europe. Being the national socialist movement Semitic, or rather anti Jewish, was the idea of provoking an emigration to Palestine. In most Jewish population, the greater would be the ability of occupation. Zionism accepted and emulated the notions of the European enemies of the Jews: chauvinistic nationalism, anti-Semitism and reactionary governments. With the help of Western imperialist recreated the ghetto in the East in the form of a nation-state aggressive and foreign, from the feudal lord, of the oppressor. That is why, Zionism and anti-Semitism considered and considers anti-Semitism as its closest ally and friend, because they are two sides of the same coin. The State of Israel which was founded in 1948 is a nation artificially created by an international agreement between American imperialism and the Stalinist bureaucracy in Russia. During the subsequent history, the Zionist state will appear repeatedly as a direct agent of the counterrevolution, supporting the most anti regimes in the world (including the videlista dictatorship in Argentina). That is why, even that admission of Zionism on the left, is a vital inconsistency of principles. We have already seen how the Zionists in all eras and corners of the world, are opposed to the mobilization against the anti-Semitic, examples are: the Bolsheviks and the bund of yesteryear, as well as at present, the"leftist" Zionists in relation to the aggression of the Amia, in Argentina. (12) Faced with the fear of assimilation, the Zionist leaders count more on anti-Semitism that with the values of the Jews themselves, which are hardly defensible defines when a Jew is not defined, for their faith, but because of their "ethnicity". The leaders of the Zionist collaboration with the Nazis has been widely documented. The most telling example may be the Rudolf Kastner, vice president of the Zionist Organization. It was he who negotiated with Eichmann at the time of the deportation of Jews in Hungary. These two men reached an agreement under which Eichmann left out "illegally" a few thousand Jews - "elite" - Zionists destined for Palestine (including its trains were escorted by German police), in return, "order and tranquility" prevail in the concentration camps from which they were being driven hundreds of thousands of Jews in the direction of Auschwitz. By contrast, privileged provosts' Jews' and members of Zionist youth organizations (" The best biological element," according to the terminology of Eichmann) they started, as luxury settlers towards Palestine. Eichmann came to consider that doctor Kastner had sacrificed their coreligionists by an 'ideal': to get the right to select such an 'ideal', 1,685 'Jews' chosen by the Zionist Organization, "useful" for the colonization of Palestine, in exchange for such colonialist ideal, Kastner assured Eichmann that 470,000 Jews would go out towards the death camps without any resistance, because they were not to be said that they were being led to extermination, I they would believe that it was a simple transfer (13). Zionism has never been an expression of the will of all Jews. For many decades during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, Zionism was not the choice of the majority of the Jewish people. On the contrary, workers and intellectuals Jews played a greater role in the communist movement, socialist and other progressive social movements. Participated in struggles of the working class to overthrow the ruling classes. They fought for equality, not separation. Before World War II, progressives largely believed that the Zionist ideology was a reactionary political tendency. The modern political Zionism and its goal of a Jewish state in the style of colonial settlers, planted its roots with the development and expansion of inter-imperialist competition. The impetus to leave czarist Russia and eastern and central Europe was driven by the spread wide that anti-Semitism was promoted by the ruling classes of the continent and the status of this scattered and oppressed minority population. After the Second World War, the imperialist powers saw an opportunity to penetrate more deeply into the Middle East and its oil wealth by allowing the creation of the Zionist settler state of "Israel" in historic Palestine. The foundation of this "secure Jewish homeland" was itself an act of terrible anti-Semitism, as well as a racist and violent crime against the Palestinian people. (13). Ending anti-Semitism is to eradicate Zionism in Palestine (Historical), returning to live with a majority ethnic group (Palestinian) with a multireligiousness, as before 1948, when the NABKE or DISASTER, following the invention of foreign artificial military state - Zionist-Israeli or "Israel". BIBLIOGRAPHICAL APPOINTMENTS (1) Raphael Patai, and Harry Zohn, Diaries of Theodor Herzl. New York-London 1960. (2) Patai, comp.diaries New York-London 1960. (3) Ibid. (4) Ibid. (5) Ibid, pág.152. (6) Hertzberg, A The Zionist Idea.NewYork, 1954 pág.24. (7) Patai, comp.diaries, pág.657. (8) Janssen Godfre, Zionism, Israel and Asian Nationalism. Beirut Institute for Palestine Studies, 1971, págs.33-34. (9) Patai, comp. Diaries págs.70, 322.568 10) Kayyali, Abdul Wahhab Tarikh Falastin al-Hadith, Modern History of Palestine, Beirut, 1970. Patai (11), comp. Diaries pág.88-89. (12) Rafael Santos. "Trotsky and the Jewish question" International Workshop, Faculty of Arts, University of Buenos Aires (May 30, 2000). (13)Feinferg Leslie (13), Worker World, 2002.

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