Sunday 5th of January 2025
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Proofs which confirm Abū Ṭālib’s faith

1. Literary works of Abū ālib

Muslim scholars and historians have recounted eloquent elegies from Abū ālib. The contents of these magnificent works verify his true faith. Below are some of these works which are plenty:

محمّدًا أنَّ النّاس خيار ليعلم

مريم ابن المسيح و كموسىٰ نبيّ

به أتيا ما مثل بهدي أتانا

ويعصم يهدي الله بأمر فكلّ

Distinguished personalities should be aware that Muammad is a prophet like Mūsā (Moses) and Masī (Messiah) the son of Maryam (Mary).

He has brought to us celestial radiance similar to that of these two. Each of them guides people and keeps them away from sins through the command of Allah.[1]

محمّدا وجدنا أنا تعلموا ألم

الكتب أوّل في خطّ كموسىٰ رسولا

محبة العباد في عليه وأنّ

بالحب الله خصّه فيمن حيف لا و

Don’t you know that we consider Muammad an apostle (of Allah) like Mūsā (ibn ‘Imrān) and read about him in the earlier Scriptures?

The people love him and it is not unfair to love someone, the love of whom Allah has in people’s hearts.[2]

محمّدًا النّبيّ الله أكرم لقد

أحمد النّاس في الله خلق فأكرم

ليجلّه اسمه من له وشقّ

محمّد وهٰذا محمود العرش فذو

Allah has exalted Prophet Muammad. So, the most exalted one of the creation of Allah is Amad.

He (Allah) has derived a name from His name so as to exalt him. So, the Owner of the Throne is the Praised One [Mamūd] and he is the Highly Praised [Muammad].[3]

بجمعهم إليك يصلوا لن والله

دفينا في التّراب حتّى أوسّد

غضاضة عليك ما بأمرك فاصدع

عيونا قرّمنك و بذٰلك وابشر

ناصحي أنك علمت و ودعوتني

أمينا ثمّ وكنت دعوت ولقد

مُحمّد دين بأنّ علمت ولقد

دينا البريّة أديان خير من

By Allah! The enemies will never harm you so long as I am alive.

So, fear not, and execute that which has been entrusted to you. Be glad and let your eyes be at rest.

You invited me to your creed and I knew that you are my well-wisher and you are indeed trustworthy in your invitation.

And I knew well that the religion of Muammad is the best of all religions that exist.[4]

فاشهد عليّ الله ياشاهد

أحمد النّبيّ دين علىٰ أنّي

مهتدي فإنّي الدين في ضلّ من

O witness of Allah! Bear witness that I believe in the religion of Prophet Amad. (Bear witness that) if anyone deviates from the religion, I will remain with the guided.[5]

In the last days of his blessed life, Abū ālib urged the chiefs of Quraysh to completely support the Messenger of Allah () as shown in the following odes:

[1] Al-ujjah, p. 57. For a similar text, see Mustadrak al-ākim (Beirut), vol. 2, p. 623.

[2] Tārīkh Ibn Kathīr, vol. 1, p. 42; Ibn Abī’l-adīd, Shar Nahj al-Balāghah (2nd Edition), vol. 14, p. 72.

[3] Ibn Abī’l-Ḥadīd, Shar Nahj al-Balāghah (2nd Edition), vol. 14, p. 78; Tārīkh Ibn Asākir, vol. 1, p. 275; Tārīkh Ibn Kathīr, vol. 1, p. 266; Tārīkh al-Khamīs, vol. 1, p. 254.

[4] Khazānah al-Adab al-Baghdādī, vol. 1, p. 261; Tārīkh Ibn Kathīr, vol. 3, p. 42; Ibn Abī’l-adīd, Shar Nahj al-Balāghah (2nd Edition) vol. 14, p. 55; Fat al-Bārrī, vol. 7, pp. 153-155; Al-Iābah (Egypt, 1358 AH), vol. 4, p. 116; Dīwān Abī ālib, p. 12.

[5] Ibn Abī’l-adīd, Shar Nahj al-Balāghah (2nd Edition) vol. 14, p. 78; Dīwān Abī ālib, p. 75.

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