Thursday 19th of September 2024
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Who was Al-Mahdi's (as) mother?

Who was Al-Mahdi's (as) mother?

The most frequently used name for Al-Mahdi's (as) mother is Nardjis. She was from the Roman Empire, the most powerful European state of that time. Muslims defeated her father and she was taken as a prisoner of war. The Imam of that time was Imam Hassan Al-'Askari (as). Nardjis had seen Fatima (as) in a dream and embraced Islam, and later she married Imam Hassan Al-'Askari (as) and gave birth to Al-Mahdi (as).33


33. Araki, Mohsin, Ideological and Jurisprudential Frontiers of Islam, p.26, Book Extra, London, 1999

Adapted from the book: "The Awaited Saviour; Questions and Answers"

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