Professor Ansarian by referring to the fact that no one’s knowledge of Allah Almighty has ever been more and greater than the holy Prophet’s (pbuph& hp) said: one was stronger than the holy prophet (pbuph& hp) in obeying Allah in the whole universe, no one’s endurance in worshiping of Allah has ever surpassed the Prophet’s (pbuph& hp), no one ever loved the Almighty Allah more than the holy prophet (pbuph& hp) in the world, no one has ever been more pious and Allah-fearing than the holy prophet (pbuph& hp). The heart of the Prophet was free of all the instruments and tools of the world, and all his desire was directed toward Allah; as a matter of fact all his life only Allah and nothing else.
Professor Ansarian ascribed to a narration which has been narrated by Shiites and is also mentioned in the five Volume book of Lealyulakhbar and said: One day the Prophet (PBUH &HP) went to see Zahra (AS), when he entered the house, he saw a carpet on the floor made of thin board of palm tree, there was also a mat from the skin of sheep, his daughter also wore a dress made of camel’s skin which was rough and coarse. She told to his father: do you see my life? This is all I have; I am here with these mat and sheepskin who live with Ali, Hassan and Hussein. The prophet said: My dear! lest you become proud that I am the daughter of the Messenger of Allah, the wife of the commander of the faithful, Imam Ali and the mother of Hassan and Hussein, my dear daughter! I swear to ALLAH who has my life in His hands, Allah will never let you take a step on the day of resurrection before you clear yourself of the account of this mat which is under you and the dress you have made of camel’s wool and you have to answer Allah about all of them.
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