Professor Ansarian: those who are aware of the fact that the world is mortal and finite are calm in the face of adversity.

Professor Ansarian said: there are people who live happily and calmly in the face of bitterness, sweetness, sufferings, incidents, poverty and economic hardships; the reason is that they know that they are transients in this world for some years and they must go one day. They have felt this fact that they Lord of the universe has brought them in this world to pass a test. Metaphorically speaking, this universe is like a dinner table; sometimes, you might be sitting on a side of the table with only bread and cheese in front of you, then one day you might sit on the other side of the table with rice and chicken in front of you. The interpretation of the Lord of the universe in the Holy Quran is like this:" If you get hurt, certainly others have also experienced injuries. We have made people pass through the different turns of history so that God would know the true believers, have some of you bear witness to the people's deeds, {God does not love the unjust} (Sura 3: AL-E-IMRAN (THE FAMILY OF 'IMRAN) - Juz' 4 -140)"
Life and times are changing all the time and they are never routine and invariable, because if it were so, then making progress and improvement would become meaningless, the paradise and heaven would seem meaningless.
He also added: the commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (AS) says: Allah Almighty created the universe- in most part of the world, there are beautiful and spectacular views and scenery, there are waterfall and attractive gardens full of amazing flowers, it is raining there almost all the time and it has spring-like weather as well- and he could put the Kaaba in the most beautiful, richest, and most vibrant region in the heart of Switzerland, and the people would go there, but then there were no worships, they would go there for having fun and not worshiping the Almighty Allah.