Monday 13th of January 2025
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Professor Ansarian: Allah's thankfulness is shown when he grants abundant and infinite rewards to a little deed.

Professor Ansarian: Allah's thankfulness is shown when he grants abundant and infinite rewards to a little deed.

In response to the question about the thankfulness of Allah Almighty, Professor Ansarian said: it has been much cited that the thankfulness of Allah means that he bestows plenty of rewards for a little deed and that is Allah's gratitude and thanks for his servants. For instance, his servant has done good deeds for only one day- the day when he was responsible to perform a duty like saying prayers, and then he passed away. Allah is thankful of this servant, in other words, Allah will take him to the paradise with his little worships, and then he can enjoy the eternal blessings of Paradise. Finally, you must bear this in your mind that the quality is of great importance for Allah Almighty and not the quantity.

source : erfan.ir
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