Once an affluent man who was well and neatly dressed came to the Prophet of Islam (PBUH&HP) and sat near him; then a destitute and poor man with old and dirty clothes came and sat near the rich man; one part of the clothes of the affluent man was stepped by that needy man; the affluent man pulled off his clothes and drifted himself far from that poor man. The messenger of Allah (PBUH&HP) who witnessed his behavior, said: were you scared of being affected by his poverty? He replied: No, oh the messenger of Allah! Were you scared to lose your wealth? No, he replied again. Were you scared of your clothes to get dirty and filthy? The affluent man said: no, the messenger of Allah then said: so what made you do that? The affluent man said: I have an evil company (Satan) who beautifies every evil thing and shows every good and virtuous deeds ugly and gross for me. Now that I have understood my mistake, I am eager to grant half of my wealth to this man so as to compensate my mistake; the messenger of Allah told to that needy man: do you accept it? The needy man said: no, the affluent man asked the reason of his rejection, the needy man said: I am afraid of being affected by what affected you and what caused your arrogance afflicts me as well.
source : erfan.ir