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Historic perspective of demolition of Baqee & Mualla cemeteries

  • Publication date:   2018-12-05 18:46:24
  • Number of views:   866

Turkey was practically a Muslim State under the control of a Muslim caliph but the intrigues of British and the conspiracies hatched by the opponents, not only tore his caliphate apart into pieces but rooted out it forever. At first, the British continued hypocritical attitude against Muslims quietly and then started taking part in conspiracies against them.
They provided resources to help the enemies of Islam for this purpose, and then they came out against them openly. Not only this but the role of the British in the past remained so rather this type of mentality on its part on national level is its secondary nature and it displayed enmity with Muslims on many occasions after this great incident. Making parts of governments cropping up in the name of Islam in the developing States had been included in its secret manifesto. The World War-I started in 1909 between Germany and Britain.
The brotherhood of Muslim population in India woke up when Turkey announced its support for Germany against British thinking that if Turkey faced defeat in this war then Muslims throughout the world would face humiliation and Christian powers would get after wiping out their name. Moreover, they felt danger to following things:

1- Holy places
2- Jazira-tul-Arab
3- Islamic Caliphate
The British had not only sealed the voice of the Indian people so as to promote their brutal orders but had also imposed restrictions on newspapers, as none of the newspapers was allowed to publish any article that may have carried comments on British character regarding this war. But Indian Muslims could not remain silent rather could not compress their spirit inculcated in them after watching Turkish condition under the Quranic commandments that:
(All Muslim are brothers of each other)
First of all, three Farzandan-e-Tauheed jumped in the array with courage to promote that spirit. They were Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar, his brother Maulana Shaukat Ali and Maulana Hasrat Mohani. These leaders organised many protest meetings all around different provinces of India against the British attitude against Muslims.
The cities of Madras, Lukhnow and Delhi are mentionable in this connection. Special meetings were organised: in Madras presided over by Seth Yaqub Hassan, on January 26, 1919 presided over by Maulana Abdul Bari Farangi Mahal, in Delhi on November 23, 1919 presided over by Mr. Fazal-ul-Haq.
Another special public meeting was held on September 22, 1919 under the auspices of All India Muslim Conference Lukhnow, which was presided over by Sir Ibrahim Haroon Jafar. As an outcome of these meetings, it was decided to form a committee by the name of Khilafat Committee. Therefore this Committee was formed and Seth Chotani was nominated its President while Haji Siddique Kathri was elected as its Secretary. Later Maulana Shaukat Ali was nominated Secretary of this Committee replacing Haji Siddique.
The first meeting of the Khilafat Conference was held in Delhi on November 24, 1919 presided over by Mr. Fazal-ul-Haq. One of the resolutions adopted in this meeting was based on protest against British control over Mashad and other holy places.
The second meeting of the Khilafat Conference was held in Amritsar in December 1919 in which Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind also participated along with All India Muslim League and Indian National Conference. The Khilafat issue took a country-wide turn after the second Conference meeting and the sympathies that Muslims gained was based on Muslim brotherhood. The Indian people started extensive propaganda against the British.
A delegation comprising Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar, Hakim Ajmal Khan, Mr. Gandhi, Dr. Yousufuddin Kichlu, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Raja Sahib Mehmoodabad, Maulana Hasrat Mohani, Maulana Abdul Majid Badayuni, Syed Suleman Nadvi, Agha Muhammad Ashraf Qazilbash called on Indian Viceroy Mr. Humpsyword. A decision was made to send a delegation to attend the third meeting of the Khilafat Conference held in Bombay in February 1920.
Therefore a delegation comprising Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar, Syed Hussain Abadwala, Maulana Syed Suleman Nadvi editor Independent (a daily published from Allahabad), Hassan Muhammad Ayat, Maulvi Abul Qasim, Sheikh Musheer Hussain Qidwai, Muhammad Shoaib Qureshi and Abdul Rahman Siddiqui set out to England in the first week of March, 1920.
The delegation called on British Prime Minister Lloyd George and presented Muslim demands but he did not entertain their demands. The Khilafat Committee, reacting to the attitude of British Prime Minister, announced to observe “Youm-e-Matam” on March 19, 1920 and appealed all Muslims to keep fast, observe strike, and offer special prayers on that day.
The Tehreek-e-Khilafat reached it peak in 1923 while in Turkey even the image of Khilafat had been wiped out and then the Turks totally wiped out the signs of Khilafat on March 3, 1924. The news was tragic for the Indian Muslims. Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar sent Mustafa Kamal Pasha to Turkey after hearing this news so that Khilafat could be maintained but the Turkish government did not cooperate. Later he turned towards Saudi Arabia courtesy Tehreek-e-Khilafat Committee so that such a government could be installed there that should be of Muslims at large instead of one single person. But Tehreek-e-Khilafat did not achieve success even on this project and Ibne Saud announced their kingdom in Saudi Arabia.
Wahabiyyat established its roots in the second half of the 12th century Hijra at the hands of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab Najdi (1155-1206 Hijra). He smoothened the roots of his religion by giving new lease of life to the principles of Ibne Temiyya (died in 0727 Hijra). The ideologies of Ibne Temiyya could be divided into two parts. Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab accepted the first part i.e. his beliefs and ideologies and developed a new Maslak with a new outfit in the name of beliefs and ideologies of their elders.
The backing of Aal-e-Saud gave a new lease of life to Wahabiyyat’s invitation and they started taking undue advantage of the Usmai Sultanate’s weakness.
Thousands of people were murdered and their property damaged by them in the name of Shirk. Their biggest ‘achievement’ is murder of Arab Sardars, looting and destruction of neighbours’ property, and infiltration into the Iraqi territory from time to time. Traitor Arab Sardars jumped into the fray to see an end of a big Islamic State when colonial powers prepared a plan to finish off the Usmani Sultanate in a bid to become independent ruler of their respective areas.
During the World War-I when many States were passing through the war clouds the chief of the Saud familiy was Sultan Abdel Aziz, father of present Saudi head of State Shah Fahd. The wicked colonial powers thought it beneficial to hand over the biggest holy centre of the Islamic World to their most subservient servant.
That is way, the holiest city of the Islamic World with the signs of host of Wahihs was pushed under the control of evil, brutal and oppressor family. Therefore, destruction of religious residences and holy places, wiping out the signs of Tauheed-o-Risalat, destruction of books carrying Islamic principles had been the sole objective of this government for the last 78 years spread over from 1344 Hijra todate.
On 8th Shawaal, 1345 Hijra (August 1925) the then Saudi rulers bulldozed the holy places in Jannatul Baqee and Jannatul Mualla in Makkah Muazzama and Madina Munawwarah (the centres of the Islamic World) where holy graves of Holy Prophet’s elders, Aal-e-Athaar (A.S.), Azwaaj-e-Rasool (SAW), Sahaba Kubaar (R.A.) and Tabaeen (R.A.) were situated. The whole Indian subcontinent turned out to be a mourning centre when the news of this heart-rending incident was sent to the Indian news agencies by a British press reporter through a telegram and was published by Indian newspapers and journals.
This news was not less than a jolt for the Muslims from Parachinar to Calcutta and from Kashmir & Northern Areas to Raj Kumari rather it proved to be a mini D-Day for the whole Islamic World. Strong protest meetings were held in mosques, Madaris and Imambargahs against this black action of Abdel Aziz bin Saud, and the followers of Islam organised protest meetings and rallies against it and mourning was observed throughout India.
Therefore the then Khilafat Committee formed a delegation to further review the situation. The delegation that landed in Hejaz comprised Hazrat Maulana Syed Suleman Nadvi, Maulana Muhammad Irfan, Maulana Abdul Majid Badayuni, Mr. Shoaib Qureshi, and Maulana Zafar Ali Khan. The delegation after reaching Hejaz sent the information to India that mazars in Jannatul Mualla have been bulldozed and even the place of Holy Prophet’s birth was not spared but the Saudi rulers have ensured that they would not carry out any further action (Report Khilafat Committee, Page 23).
Later the Khilafat Committee sent another delegation to Hejaz in May 1926. This delegation that reached Saudia in May 1926 sent an information to India that: When our delegation reached Hejaz on May 23, the first news that had a lightening effect on us was that all holy places including Jannatul Baqee have also been bulldozed.
When we tried to get confirmation of this news from the Saudi Arabian government they replied that the Najdi nation feels they are duty bound to exploit schism and Kufr and they would not care of the Islamic World’s prudence on this issue and would not care who is happy or unhappy on this (Report Khilafat Committee, Page 85). Later this delegation gave another tragic news that “Irrespective of the situation and what is going on, Sultan Abdel Aziz ibne Saud has destructed all tombs in Madina Munawwarah despite all commitments otherwise” (Report Khilafat Committee, Page 88).
In addition to the destruction of holy places all those mosques were also bulldozed that had some link with holy personalities, in one way or the other, so that no one could remember these personalities while offering prayers in these mosques. Another part of the report is worth consideration and tragic that like Makkah Mukarrama, some of the mosques in Madina Munawwarah also met the similar fate. These mosques were also destructed like the tombs of other shrines.
Masjid-e-Fatima (adjacent to Masjid-e-Qaba)
Masjid-e-Sanaya (where the teeth of the Holy Prophet were damaged during Uhad)
Masjid-e-Maida (the place where Surah Maida was revealed)
Masjid-e-Ijaba (place where an important Dua of the Holy Prophet was accepted)
— (Report Khilfat Committee, Page 88)
Khatoon-e-Jannat Hazrat Fatima Zahra (S.A.)
Hazrat Fatima Sughra binte Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S.)
Shahzada Sulah-o-Aman Hazrat Imam Hassan Mujtaba (A.S.)
Beemar-e-Karbala Hazrat Imam Zainul Abideen (A.S.)
Hazrat Ibrahim, son of the Holy Prophet (SAW)
Hazrat Abbas bin Abdul Mutlib (A.S.)
Hazrat Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S.)
Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S.)
Wives of Holy Prophet (Ummahatul Momineen):
Hazrat Aisha (R.A.)
Hazrat Umme Salmah (R.A.)
Hazrat Zainab (R.A.)
Hazrat Hafsa (R.A.)
Moreover, in addition to the nine Ummahatul Momineen the shrines that were destructed include that of Holy Prophet’s paternal aunt (Phupee), Sahaba Karaam, Tabaeen, Hazrat Usman bin Affan, Hazrat Usman bin Mazaoon, Hazrat Jafar Tayyar, Hazrat Abdul Rahman ibne Auf, Hazrat Imam Malik, and Imam Nafah (Report Khilafat Committee, Page 89).
Whereas the voice of protest was raised throughout the world but the Ahl-e-Hejaz did not remain behind as they also staged protest demonstrations against this brutal act. The Saudi government not only condemned them rather they also issued Fatawa against these protesting elements. The great personality of the Islamic World and the central figure of the Khilafat Committee, Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar addressed a huge rally at the Jamia Masjid, Delhi. Here are some excerpts from the address he made on this occasion:
“I am sitting in Allah’s home and say by considering that He is around me that neither I have any personal enmity with Ibne Saud nor my opposition is based on personal interest, what I would say will be crystal clear and what I have seen myself, whether someone becomes happy or unhappy on my remarks. Sultan ibne Saud and the members of his government cry hoarse of Kitaab Allah (holy Quran) and Sunnat-e-Rasool. I have found out that they have made the Kitaab Allah and Sunnat-e-Rasool a tool to earn money” (Muqalat-e-Muhammad Ali Jauhar, Pages 95-96). Here is another portion of another statement given by Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar: “The achievement of Najad and the Najadis is that their hands are painted with the blood of Muslims and only Muslims” (Muqalat-e-Muhammad Ali Jauhar, Page 37).
The destruction of holy shrines is an anti-Iman Aal-e-Saud activity on which the whole world has lodged protest. The renowned journalist of the subcontinent Agha Shorish Kashmiri could not keep quiet on this tragic incident. He wrote a Noha on Jannatul Baqee that could be considered the voice of all Muslims:
All Muslims term it their Imani obligation to observe “Youm-e-Inhidaam Jannatul Baqee” on 8th Shawaal every year so as to attract the attention of so-called champions of human rights, self-styled Khademain Harmain Sharifain Aal-e-Saud, Muslim heads of State, representative body of the Islamic World OIC, Arab League, claimants of respecting the rights of the world nations United Nations. They strongly demand that restoration of the honour of Jannatul Baqee and Jannatul Mualla were a prerequisite so as to achieve success in getting independence for the oppressed nations, solution of Kashmir and Palestine issues in the light of United Nations Resolutions, reconstruction of Babri Masjid and other mosques, providing protection and restoration of honour and respect to the place of worship belonging to all minorities.
In the end, we would like to make it clear that it is not an issue belonging only to Maktab-e-Jafar ibne Muhammad (A.S.) rather that of the whole world of humanity in general, and the whole Islamic World in particular. That is why Sheikh-ul-Islam Wal Muslimeen Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Hussain Ahmed (late) of renowned religious institution in India Darul Uloom Deoband says about Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab that: Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab Najdi appeared in the beginning of 13th century in Najad (Arab). As he kept false beliefs, he massacred a large number of people belonging to Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat, continued teasing them inculcating his own ideology forcibly, considered their property and wealth Halaal for himself, and considered their murder a source of Sawaab and blessing (Al-Shahab Saqib, Page 42).
The fact mentioned above could be confirmed from the utterance of a Najdi Qazi who said that:
(Oh, the residents of Hejaz you are more infidels than Haman and Pharaoh, we will massacre you like it is done with infidels — Report Khilafat Committee, Page 85)
All signs of all Ambia, Aulia, Aal-e-Rasool, Ummahatul Momineen and Sahaba Kubaar have been wiped out except the holy grave of the Holy Prophet (SAW) rather educational institutions and the homes of Ahle Bait Athaar were also being bulldozed for quite some time in the name of expansion of place for prayer under the master plan. So much so that the home of first host of the Holy Prophet (SAW), Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.) has also been razed to ground. God forbid!
They may wipe out the grave of the Holy Prophet (SAW), and their merciless and tyrant police may start trampling down the Shrine of Holy Prophet (SAW) under their shoes. Moreover the establishment of ARAMCO in this area has provided American politics to prosper and American colonial powers have occupied all military centres in the name of giving protection to their interests. The whole political entity of Saudi Arabia in particular has come into the hands of American stooges.
The objective of colonial powers is to empty the Islamic ideology from the precarious strategic point and create hurdles in unity and coherence in the economic and military fields. So much so that even salt is being imported in Saudi Arabia despite being rich with immense natural resources. Every one is aware that even water is being imported from France to meet the thirst of rich Saudi people, traders and the luxurious ruling family. In short, the reins of powers are visibly in the hands of Aal-e-Saud but actually:
Colonial powers and their allied backward group were deeply concerned about protecting their interests even today and consider every Kalma reciting Muslim a great danger for themselves.
(Oh, Muslims! Become united, become united)
Hoping for a day to dawn when all Muslims will unite and get the honour and respect of the holy places restored after getting rid the House of Allah from Bu Lahabs. Announcement of observing “Demolition Day of Jannatul Baqee” by Tehreek Nafaz Fiqh-e-Jafariya, Pakistan on 8th Shawaal every year is not against any person, party or personality but a protest of the oppressed against oppression and barbarity and no one should be afraid of it.

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