Friday 5th of July 2024
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The Avatar or Messiah, the Mahdi (a.s.) will bring light and, above all, will bring love and life, because love is the foundation of life. It is necessary for us to become familiar with these facts and make them known to all people we may get into contact in our life.
That the time for His appearance is now.
That He is already acting in the hearts and minds of many human beings and that He should be evoked if we acknowledge and believe that He will appear between us soon.
That His appearence has been announced and foretold in all the Sacred Texts and Holy Scriptures of the world.

That the true preparation for His appearance requires from us to deeply work for peace and to urgently create bridges for an inter-religious dialogue of peace and understanding with all religions of the world and the participation of representatives of governments of all States.
The actual United Nations could be the frame for this proposal, but unfortunately is not at its best moment.At the moment need a deep transformation.
All the necessary steps have to be taken without delay towards that direction if we want to hasten His appearance. 

The Mahdi (a.s) will unify East and West, North and South. In His appearance, he will bring, love, light and wisdom. All eyes will see Him, all ears will hear Him, and His voice shall be as the thunder that is heard before the rain, a thunder of love, light and wisdom. Rain that He will pour forth for all men on earth, without distinction of race or colour of skin. His love for humanity knows no limits.

Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei in the birthday anniversary oft Ali (a.s.) last tuesday, described the “Commander of the Faithful” as the shining star in the firmament of justice and humanity, calling him the prominent figure revered by the world´s freemen.
The honorable Leader reiterated: (14) “Today the most important duty of the Islamic Ummah is Jihad in the path of Allah and efforts to revive the Muslim´s self-steem and their moral, humanitarian and scientific sublimity.”
One of Imam Ali (a.s.) most enlighted sermon is number 42 (Nahjol-Balaagha/Sermons): (15)

He says:
“ O people what I fear most about you are two things – acting according to desires and extending hopes. As regards acting according to desires, this prevents from truth; and as regards extending of hopes, it makes one to forget the next world. You should know this world is moving rapidly (and cycle of worldly enjoyments would end soon) and nothing has remain out of it except last particles like the dregs of a vessel which has been emptied by someone. Beware, the next world is advancing, and either of them has sons “You also must be prepare, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.”i.e. followers. You should become sons of the next world because on the Day of Judgment every son would cling to his mother. Today is the Day of action and there is no reckoning while tomorrow is the Day of reckoning but there would be no (opportunity for) action.”

I believe we are living nowadays in the “Day of Action” and the “Day of Reckoning” will come to us soon with the appearance of the Mahdi (a.s.), the Saviour of Mankind. He shall appear in near future to guide the deviant world to the right path, rectify all faults, and purify the world from all evil.

One of the important reasons for His appearance is that the work of his followers in all countries is been done; is duly accomplished. This is unfortunately not the actual situation. His appearance depends to a high extent on the correct human relationship around the world. We all know that His hour is near because of the needs of the people in every country and because of the invocative cry of the masses everywhere.
We do not know the date or the hour of the appearance of the Mahdi (a.s.) but as truth believers in His appearance we have to accomplish without rest our duties soon to hasten his appearance.

The Apostle Luke advise as to be prepare for the appearance: (16)
“You also must be prepare, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.”
Ayyatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei stressed that the belief in the appearance of the Imam Mahdi (a.s.)and cherish hope of a bright future should be combined with vigorous efforts and pious dees in various spheres of activities.
He said: “A nation that believes in the advent of the Saviour of mankind, the promised Mahdi (may Almighty Allah hasten his appearance) , will never feel weak. This nation will endure hardships and pressures and follow the path to progress and dignity with perseverance and strength.”(17)

Let us whisper together: “O´, My Lord (Ya Mahdi) your occultation seized sleep of my eye and made narrow my bed. It also is taken away may ease of heart. O God, do not appoint us a false pretender of his awaiting and grand us merit to make all preparation for his appearance”. (18)

I wish to end with a beautiful words of the Holy Profet (a.s.) to Imam Ali (a.s.) on Sunday 27th of Safar: (19)
“Ali you will be first to meet me on the fountain of Kawther. After me when hardship and reverses face you then do not lose patience and when you find people running after worldly gains then you busy yourself in the way of truth and God.”

May Almighty Allah increase the followers of His true path”
(1)John, I 8, New Testament, New American Bible, Washington DC.
(2)Bahavad Gita, Book IV, aforims 7 and 8.
(3)Glimpses of the Naj Al-Balaghah, Martyr Murtada Mutahhari,,
part IV, government and justice, p.139.
(4)Luke 12 (22-26), New Testament, The New American Bible, Washington DC.
(5)De Lubac, Henry, El drama del humanismo ateo, Ediciones Encuentro, 1990, Madrid, p 48.
(6)Berdiaev, Nicolás, Le nouveau moyen age, p.21,Cf., Henry de Lubac, Op.cit. p.47.
(7)Thibon, Gustave, L’ échelle de Jacob, p. 178, Cf., Henry de Lubac, Op.ci. p. 49.
(8)Jahangir, Asma, special representative, United Nations, Religious Intolerance Report 2004, E/CN.4/2006/5.
(9)HRW World Report 2005 (events 2004).
(10)World Social Situation Report 2005, United Nations.
(11) Imam Ali (a.s.) Nahjol-Balagha, Peak of Eloquence, compiled by Sayyid Shareef ar-Razi, Ansariyan Publications, Qum (IRI), p.30.
(12)Matthew 6 (19-21), New Testament, New American Bible,Washington DC.
(13)HRW, World Report 2005 (events 2004) Religious and the human rights movement.
(14)Imam Ali (a.s.), Nahjol-Balagha, Op.cit., p 79.
(15)Info-Shiawomen org., Leader´s speech, August 9th 2006.
(16)Imam Ali (a.s.) Nahjol-Balagha, Op.cit., Sermon 42, p 200.
(17)Luke 12, 40, New Testament, New American Bible, Washington ,DC.
(18)Info-Shiawomen org., Leaders´s speech, Setpember 24th 2005.
(19)Info-Shiawomen org., April 26th 2005 , Prayer of Imam Ja´afar al-Sadik (a.s.).
(20) Imam Ali (a.s.) Nahjol-Balagha, Op.ct., p.55.

• Imam Ali Nahjol Balagha, Compiled by Sayyid Shareef ar-Razi, Ansariyan Publications 2003, Qum (IRI).
• New American Bible, Washington DC.(USA).
• Glimpses of The Nahj Al-Balaghah, by Martyr Murtada Mutahhari, On the occasionj of the 2nd General Session of the Ahl al Bayt (a.s.) World Assembly, 1997, Qum (IRI).
• El drama del humanismo ateo, Henry de Lubac, Ediciones Encuentro, 1990, Madrid, Spain.
• The Qur’ an, a new translation by M.A.S. Abdel Haleen, Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K.
• Libertad Total, Krishnamurti,, Editorial Kairós, 2005,Barcelona, España.
• El secreto de Muhammad, Abdelmunin Aya, Editorial Kairón, Barcelona, España.
• Ahlul-Bait (The Prophet’s Household), Al-Balagh Foundation, The Ahl ul Bait (as) World Assembly, 1992 , Tehran (IRI).
• Lectura del Apocalipsis, Hermenéutica, Exégesis, Teología, Ugo Vanni, Verbo Divino, 2004, Navarra , España.
• Influjo Apocalíptico, Domingo Moraleda, Monografia 6, Publicaciones Claretianas, 1999, Madrid, España.

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