In one part of his speech, Professor Hussein Ansarian talked about four important provisions to send to hereafter and said: first, being used to Holy Quran to the extent that one can; the Holy Quran says: " Thus, recite from the Quran as much as possible" (Surah AL-MUZZAMMIL (THE ENSHROUDED ONE), verse20), in other words, get used to the Holy Quran as much as possible, recite it, get familiar with it as much as you can. Second, saying prayers and being steadfast in doing so; " Be steadfast in your prayer". Third, paying Zakat; " and pay the religious tax", be open-handed and avoid being stingy and parsimonious, try not to do just physical worship, there is also financial worship which is obligatory. Fourth, " and give virtuous loans to God", try to give people virtuous loans for the sake of God Almighty.
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