Wednesday 15th of January 2025
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Fatimah Zahra (as), the woman that the Paradise is eager to meet

Who does Paradise run after?

The whole believers of the world are looking after Paradise in their lifetime and they are extremely willing to go to Paradise. But the Messenger of Allah (saw) says: 

Paradise is enthusiastically and lovingly after four women in this world.

"Asiyah", the wife of Pharaoh, that the paradise is eager to meet her. In fact, she is not waiting for paradise, it is the other way around.

"the Holy Marry" who is the mother of Christ (AS), was also among these four women. It is of great importance to understand that Allah Almighty has placed Asiyah- the wife of a tyrant king- near the Holy Marry.

"Khadijah" the mother of the believers that the Holy Prophet says in this regard: She is my wife in this world and hereafter- that is, the relationship between him and Khadijah will never be cut

"Hazrat Fatemeh (peace be upon her)" is the fourth lady that the paradise was unceasingly running after her. What did she do in her short life span while she was in the peak of wisdom, action, morality and knowledge and the paradise was running after her.

source : erfan.ir
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