Thursday 18th of July 2024
نفر 0

Martyrdom of Suwayd bin Umro bin Abi Muta'

Martyrdom of Suwayd bin Umro bin Abi Muta'

Azdi says that Zuhayr bin Abdul Rahman Khas'ami narrated to me that the last person (among the companions) to remain with Imam Husain (A.S.) was Suwayd bin Umro bin Abi Muta'. He fought with the enemies, until he was totally wounded and fell unconscious upon the ground among the martyrs. When he regained consciousness, he heard that Imam Husain (A.S.) was martyred and he arose in fright. They had taken away his sword, but he had a dagger with him and he lifted it up. He fought with them for sometime until he was martyred (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him). His murderers were Urwah bin Bata' Tughlabi and Zayd bin Raqqad, while he was the last martyr (in the battle of Karbala).

Sayyed ibne Tawoos, while praising him says, that he was a nobleman and recited Prayers abundantly. Then he fought like a ferocious lion and remained firm until he fell down (unconscious) among the martyrs.

I, (the author) say that there is difference of opinion in the narration of the Shi'ah and Sunni historians, traditionists and the authors of Maqtal, regarding the sequence of the martyrdom of the companions of Imam Husain (A.S.), their total number, and their Rajaz. Some of them have discussed the former ones in the end and the latter ones in the beginning. Some have mentioned their names and Rajaz only, while still others have mentioned regarding the martyrdom of some and left some.

Till here I have relied upon the reports of the ancient reliable historians, thus a group of the martyrs have been left out, whose martyrdom have yet to be discussed. Henceforth I discuss their martyrdom on the sequence given by Shaikh Mohammad bin Ali bin Shahr Ashob, as quoted in his book Manaqib.

According to this sequence, first Hurr entered the battlefield followed by Burayr bin Khuzayr, while their martyrdoms have already been discussed. Then Wahab bin Abdullah bin Habbab Kalbi came out into the battlefield. His mother too was accompanying him on that day, who told him, "Arise O son! And defend the grandson of the Prophet of Allah (S.A.W.)." Wahab replied, "Verily I shall not act miserly." Thus he came out into the battlefield while saying: "If you do not know me, I am from Bani Kalb, very soon you will see me and my sword, and will behold my attack and influence in battle, I will seek my revenge after the revenge of my companions, and I will ward off grief and affliction before my grief, to fight me in the battlefield is not a joke." He attacked the Kufan army and killed a group among them one after the other. Then he returned back to his mother and wife and stood facing them and said, "O mother! Are you pleased now"? She replied, "I shall not be pleased until you attain martyrdom in the presence of Imam Husain (a.s)." Then his wife said, "I request you in the name of Allah not to bereave me." Hearing this his mother said, "O dear son! Do not accept what she says, go and fight in the way of the grandson of the Prophet, so that he may intercede for you on the day of Qiyamah." Wahab returned back saying: "I swear to you O Umme Wahab, to strike them with spears and sword, similar to the swordsmanship of a youth who believes in the Almighty, so as to give a taste of the bitter battle to this nation, I am valorous and a youth possessing a clear-cut sword, I am not fearful during battle, Allah, the Wise, is sufficient for me."

Then he lay siege until he had killed nineteen horsemen and twelve foot-soldiers. Both his hands were severed, seeing this his mother lifted a peg of the tent and ran towards him saying, "May my parents be your ransom! Strive in the way of the Household of the Prophet of Allah." Wahab proceeded further so as to return her back to the tents, when she caught hold of his shirt and said, "I shall not return back until I am killed along with you." When Imam Husain (A.S.) saw this he said,"May Allah reward you favourably due to the right of my family! Return back to the ladies, may Allah have mercy upon you."

Hearing this the woman returned back and Wahab fought until he was martyred (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him). The wife of Wahab came and sat at his head and started wiping the blood from the face of her husband. When Shimr saw her, he commanded his retainer to strike her with his club. He did so and she was the first woman to attain martyrdom in the ranks of Imam Husain (A.S.) (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon her).

It is stated in Rawzatul Wa'ezeen and Amali of Shaikh Sadooq, that formerly Wahab bin Wahab and his mother were christians, and they had accepted Islam at the hands of Imam Husain (A.S.). They accompanied the Imam to Karbala, and on the day of Ashoorah Wahab mounted his horse, while a peg of the tent was in his hands. He fought until he had killed seven or eight men among the enemies. Then he was arrested and taken to Umar bin Sa'ad, who ordered him to be beheaded.

Allamah Majlisi says, that he saw in a narration that Wahab was formerly a Christian, then he alongwith his mother accepted Islam at the hands of Imam Husain (A.S.). When he entered the battlefield, he put to sword twenty-four footsoldiers and twelve horsemen. Then he was arrested and brought to Umar bin Sa'ad who told him, "What a marvelous valour you posess." Then he ordered him to be beheaded. He was beheaded and his head was thrown towards the tents of Imam Husain (A.S.). His mother lifted his head up and kissed it, then she threw it towards the army of Umar bin Sa'ad, which hit a man and killed him. Then she lifted up a peg of the tents and killed two others until Imam Husain (A.S.) saw her and said,"O mother of Wahab! Return back. You and your son will be along with the Prophet of Allah, while Jehad is lifted off from the women."

Hearing this she returned back saying, "O Lord! Do not disappoint me." Imam told her,"May your Lord not disappoint you, O mother of Wahab"!

Then Umro bin Khalid Azdi Saydawi came out into the battlefield and told Imam Husain (A.S.), "O Aba Abdillah! I desire to be united with your companions, and I dislike to see you lonely and martyred." Imam replied,"Go forth, and very soon we too shall join you."

He advanced further saying: "O self! Proceed towards the Beneficent Lord, with glad tidings of spirituality and sweet basil, today you shall receive favour for the virtues which you had performed, which is written down upon the Tablet near the Rewarder Lord, do not fear nor be frightful, for every living thing will face destruction, while patience has a more part in your peace, O group of Azd from Bani Qahtan." Then he fought and was martyred (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).

It is narrated in Manaqib that then his son Khalid followed him saying: "Have patience upon the death of Bani Qahtan, so as to acquire pleasure of the Beneficent Lord of Grandeur, Glory and Demonstration, and of Eminence, Longevity and Benevolence, O dear father! You have reached Paradise in the palace of the best of pearls." He advanced further and fought until he too was martyred (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).

After him Sa'ad bin Hanzalah Tamimi, who was from the noblemen in the army of Imam Husain (A.S.), stepped into the battlefield saying: "Have patience upon the swords and spears, have patience upon it to enter Paradise, and reach the Hoor al Ein of delicasy, (like) the one who wishes victory and success, and it is not only doubt or guess, O self! Strive for tranquility and try to acquire righteousness."

He lay siege and attacked severely and was ultimately martyred (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).

Then Umayr bin Abdullah Mazhaji came out reciting the following Rajaz: "The Bani Sa'ad and Mazhaj know, that during battle I am a ferocious Lion, I strike my sword upon the head of a well-equipped man, and throw the warrior upon the ground, and make him a morsel for the Wolf and a lame Hyena." He continued fighting until Muslim Zababi and Abdullah Bajali killed him. (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).

Muslim bin Awsaja followed him, whose martyrdom has already been discussed.

Then Abdul Rahman Yaznee stepped into the battlefield saying: "I am the son of Abdullah from the progeny of Yazn, I am on the Religion of Husain and Hasan, I strike you with the sword of a Yemeni youth, through which I desire the Audience of the Giver of Refuge." And then attained martyrdom (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).

After him Yahya bin Saleem Mazani came out reciting the following Rajaz: "I will strike the army with a decisive sword, a swift sword which hastens towards the enemies, I am neither inefficient nor frightful, and nor do I fear the approaching death." And he too met with the same fate (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).

Qurrah bin Abi Qurrah Ghifari followed him reciting the following Rajaz: "The entire progeny of Ghifar rightly knows, as also the Bani Khandaf after the progeny of Nizar, that undoubtedly I am a Lion in the heat of the battle, and I pound and strike at the group of the adulterors with the sword, in defence of the Progeny of the Righteous." He put to sword sixty-eight men, and was killed (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).

Then Malik bin Anas Kahili stepped into the battlefield saying, "The children of Ali are adherents of Allah, while the children of Umayyah are adherents of shaitan." Then he killed fourteen men, while some say that he killed eighteen and was martyred (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).
I (the author) strongly perceive, that Malik bin Anas Kahili, referred to above, is none other than Anas bin Haris Kahili, the companion (of Prophet Mohammad [s.a.w.s.]). Ibne Aseer Jazari in Asadul Ghabah says that Anas bin Malik was one of the natives of Kufa. Ash'as bin Saleem relates from his father, who says that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) once said,"This son of mine (referring to Imam Husain) would be killed at a place in Iraq, then whoever remains at that moment should assist him."

Thus he was martyred alongwith Imam Husain (A.S.).

Shaikh Ibne Nima in his Museerul Ehzan says that then Anas bin Haris Kahili came into the battlefield saying: "Our clan of Kahil alongwith Dawdan knows, as also Khandaf and Qays Aylan, that my nation is in trouble, O nation! Turn into a ferocious Lion, and welcome the nation with a swift sword, the Progeny of Ali are the followers of the Beneficent (Lord), while the progeny of Harb, the followers of shaitan."

I (the author) say that he is referred to as Kahili because of his ancestor Kahil. In the related Ziyarate Nahiyah, it is stated thus: "Peace be upon Anas bin al Kahili as Asadi."

Then Umro bin Muta' Jo'fi stepped out saying: "Today the striking of the sword is a pleasure for us, for the sake of Husain the violent attack, by this means we desire success and refuge against the fire of hell, when there will be no expectation of refuge." And he was killed (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).

He was followed by Jaun bin Malik, the freed retainer of Abu Zarr Ghifari. (Malhoof) He (Jaun) was a black retainer. Imam Husain (A.S.) told him,"I give you permission to leave, for you were in our midst in our times of happiness, then do not imprison yourself in our way."

Jaun replied, "O son of the Prophet of Allah (S.A.W.)! I have been feeding at your place during the days of happiness (and security), then how can I desert you in hardship? By Allah! The smell of my sweat is dirty, my lineage low, while my colour is dark. Then permit me Paradise, so that my smell may turn into a pleasant fragrance, my lineage noble and my face may be illuminated. By Allah! No, I shall not desert you until this black blood of mine mixes with your pure blood." Then he came out into the battlefield saying: "How do the polytheists find the striking of a black sword, in defence of the children of Mohammad (S.A.W.)? I will defend them with my words and my hands, while I desire Paradise on the day of Qiyamah through this." Then he was martyred (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).

(Malhoof) He (Jaun) killed twenty-five men and was martyred. Imam Husain (A.S.) came and stood near his head and said, "O Allah! Illuminate his face, fragrant his smell, include him among the devout ones and make him known near Your Mohammad (S.A.W.)."

Imam Mohammad al Baqir (A.S.) relates that when people came to the plain of Karbala to bury the martyrs, they found the corpse of Jaun after ten days from which fragrance of Musk was emanating.
Then Anees bin Ma'qal Asbahi came out reciting: "I am Anees the son of Ma'qal, and my right hand possesses a clear-cut sword, which I raise upon the heads in the heat of the battle, in defence of Husain the honourable, endowed with distinction, the son of the Prophet of Allah, who is the best of all Prophets." He killed above twenty men and attained martyrdom (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).
He was followed by Yazeed bin Muhajir (Abul Sha'sa Kindi), whose martyrdom we have already discussed.
Then Hajjaj bin Masrooq Jo'fi, the Muezzin (Prayer caller) of Imam Husain (A.S.), stepped into the battlefield saying: "Proceed forward O Husain, who are a guide and a guided one! Today you shall meet your Grandfather the Prophet, and your Father Ali, the possessor of munificence, whom we recognise through the Revelation." He put to sword twenty-five men and was killed (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).

Then Sa'eed bin Abdullah Hanafi, Habib bin Mazahir Asadi, Zuhayr bin Qayn Bajali and Nafe' bin Hilal Jamali attained martyrdom (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon them). (Their martyrdom have already been discussed).

Janadah bin Haris Ansari followed them while reciting: "I am Janad and am the son of Haris, I am neither fearful nor impotent, until my heirs inherit from me, today my body will lay upon the earth." And then he was martyred (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).

Then his son Umro bin Janadah came out saying: "Strangle the neck of the son of Hind, and throw towards them this year the horsemen of Muhajereen and Ansar, who had dyed their spears in the heat of the battle against the polytheists during the days of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.), and today they will be dyed with the blood of the adulterors, today they will be dyed with the blood of the base men, who have forsaken the Qur'an in defence of evil, they have come to avenge the blood of (the battle of) Badr, for which they have brought clear-cut swords and spears, I swear by my Lord, I will keep striking the mischievous people with my swift and clear-cut sword, it is rightly incumbent upon Azdi that daily he should meet the enemy, and throw him down and attack while proceeding further." Then he fought and was killed (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).

Therafter a youth, whose father had already been killed, came out into the battlefield. His mother told him, "O dear son! Step out and fight in the presence of the grandson of the Prophet of Allah (S.A.W.)." When the youth stepped out, Imam saw him and said, "The father of this youth has been killed, perhaps his mother would not like him to come out into the battle."
The youth replied, "Rather my mother has ordered me to do so." Then he stepped into the battlefield reciting the following: "My Master is Husain and what a Best Master, who is the delight of the heart of the conveyor of good deeds and a warner Prophet (S.A.W.), Ali (A.S.) is his father and Fatemah (A.S.) his mother, do you know anyone who is his co-equal? His countenance is like a shining star, and his forehead like a full moon bright."
When he was martyred (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him), his head was thrown towards the tents of Imam Husain (A.S.). His mother lifted up his head and said, "Well done my dear son! O contentment of my heart! O coolness of my eyes"! Saying this she threw away his head towards a man who was killed by it. Then she lifted a peg of the tent and attacked them while saying: "I am a feeble and old maid of my master, whose (my) house is empty and who has turned frail and weak, but I will strike at you violently, in defence of the children of the Noble Fatemah (A.S.)." She killed two men by it, seeing this Imam called her back and prayed for her.

I (the author) strongly perceive that the youth was none other than the son of Muslim bin Awsaja Asadi. For the report as stated in Rawzatul Ehbab and Rawzatush Shohada, in context of the martyrdom of the son of Muslim bin Awsaja after the martyrdom of his father, is quite similar to this. (Allah knows best).

Then a Turkish retainer of Imam Husain (A.S.), who was a memorizer (Hafiz) of the Qur'an, stepped out while reciting the following Rajaz: "The ocean will set on fire due to my striking with the sword and spear, and the atmosphere will become full of my shooting arrows, when the sword comes into my right hand, the heart of the envious bursts."

He killed numerous men, and some say that he killed seventy men and then fell down from his horse. Imam Husain (A.S.) came to him and wept and placed his cheek upon that of his retainer. He opened his eyes and saw the face of Imam (A.S.) and smiled and left for the heavenly abode (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).

He was followed by Malik bin Dawdan, who came out saying: "This stroke towards you is from Malik who is a ferocious Lion, the stroke of the one who defends the liberal and honourable people, and who desires reward from Allah, the Possessor of favour." And then attained martyrdom (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).

Then Abu Samamah Saedi followed him while saying: "Condolence for the Progeny of Mustafa (S.A.W.) and his daughters, due to the seige by the enemies of the son of Mohammad (S.A.W.), the best of humans, condolence for Zahra (A.S.), the daughter of the Prophet and for her husband, who is a treasure of knowledge after the Prophet, condolence for the dwellers of the East and the West, and wail for the army of Husain, the good doer, then who is there to reach my message to the Prophet and his daughter, that your son is fallen in trouble." Then he fell a martyr. (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).

He was followed by Ibraheem bin Haseen Asadi, who was saying: "I will strike at your joints and calves with the sword, so that this nation spills my blood, and Abu Ishaq may attain martyrdom, by the nation I mean the mischievous sons of adulteress women." Then he was killed (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).

Then Umro bin Qartah followed, whose martyrdom we have already mentioned.

He was followed by Ahmed bin Mohammad Hashmi, who was reciting: "Today I shall test my ancestry and my Religion, through my clear-cut sword which is in my right hand, and I shall defend my Religion in battle with it." And was ultimately killed (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).
It is quoted in Manaqib, that the group of companions of Imam Husain (A.S.) who fell martyr in the first raid were:

(1) Na'eem bin Ajalan, (2) Imran bin Ka'ab bin Haris Ashja'ee, (3) Hanzalah bin Umro Shaybani, (4) Qasit bin Zuhayr, (5) Kinanah bin Ateeq, (6) Umro bin Mashee'ah, (7) Zarghamah bin Malik, (8) Amir bin Muslim, (9) Sayf bin Malik Namiri, (10) Abdul Rahman Arhabi, (11) Mujme' A'ezi, (12) Habbab bin Haris, (13) Umro Janda'ee, (14) Jallas bin Umro Rasebee, (15) Sawar bin Abi Umayr Fahmi, (16) Ammar bin Abi Salamah Walani, (17) Mas'ood bin Hajjaj, (18) Abdullah bin Urwa Ghifari, (19) Zuhayr bin Basheer Khas'ami, (20) Ammar bin Hissan, (21) Abdullah bin Umayr, (22) Muslim bin Kaseer, (23) Zuhayr bin Saleem, (24) & (25) Abdullah and Ubaydullah sons of Zayd Basari, (26) Umroh, the retainer of Imam Husain (A.S.), (27) & (28) two freed retainers of Imam Ali (A.S.), (29) Zahir Umro, the Retainer of Ibne Humaq. (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon them).

In my (the author's) opinion, the name of the (above referred) last person is quoted wrongly, while the correct one is Zahir, the Retainer of Umro bin Humaq. Thus in the Ziyarate Nahiyah, referring to the martyrs, and the related Ziyarate Rajabiyah (as quoted in Misbahuz Zaer), it is quoted: "Peace be upon Zahir, the Retainer of Umro bin Humaq Khuza'i." Thus it is correct that the one referred to is the same.

The proficient Erudite Qazi Mo'man Misri says that Umro bin Humaq was among the Emigrant companions (Muhajereen) of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) and the Tabe'een for whom Paradise was proclaimed by the Prophet, and who remained (faithful) with Imam Ali (A.S.). Umro remained alive after the death of Imam Ali (A.S.). Once when Mu'awiyah pursued him, he fled away to an island, alongwith him was another companion of Imam Ali (A.S.) named Zahir. Both of them dismounted at a valley and a snake bit Umro at midnight. When it dawned, a tumor appeared and Umro told Zahir, "Move away from me, for I have heard my friend the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) saying that the genies and men will be involved in my murder, and very soon I will be killed." They were talking when suddenly they saw the necks of horses, who were in pursuit of Umro. Umro told Zahir, "O Zahir! Hide yourself, and then when they have killed me and taken away my head and left my body, you may bury me." Zahir said, "No I shall not do so, but I will fight them with my arrows and when they are exhausted, I too will be killed alongwith you.

" Umro replied, "Do what I tell you to do. Allah will give you success in that." Thus Zahir hid himself and the people came and killed him. Then they beheaded Umro and took his head along with them, this being the first head in Islam, which was raised on a lance. When they returned back, Zahir came out of his hiding and buried Umro, after that he remained alive until he was martyred along with Imam Husain (A.S.) in Karbala. [65] Thus it is proved through this narration that Zahir was from among the distinguished companions of Imam Ali (A.S.). He was equal in rank to Umro bin Humaq Khuza'i, the companion of the Prophet of Allah (S.A.W.) and the disciple of Imam Ali (A.S.). He was a virtuous slave (of Allah), whom excessive worship had made old, body feeble and his colour pale. He had the good fortune of burying Umro, his felicity was favoured until he made assisting Imam Husain (A.S.) his sustenance, and attained martyrdom. And among the progeny of Zahir is Abu Ja'far Zahir bin Mohammad bin Sinan, who was from among the companions of Imam Moosa al Kazim (A.S.), Imam Ali ar Reza (A.S.) and Imam Mohammad al Jawad (A.S.).

Furthermore it should be noted that the historians have quoted the names of some persons, who were present on the tenth of Moharram to assist Imam Husain (A.S.), but they saved themselves and fled away.

A retainer of Abdul Rahman bin Abd Rabbah Ansari. And as has been stated earlier that he said that, "When I saw the companions of Imam Husain (A.S.) falling down I fled away (in fright) leaving them behind.[66]
Marqa' bin Tamamah Asadi. Tabari and Ibne Aseer say that he had spread his quiver of arrows upon the ground while kneeling down, and was fighting until a group of people from his relatives came to him and offered him protection and told him to return back to them. He returned back with them, and Umar bin Sa'ad took him to the presence of Ubaydullah bin Ziyad and related to him regarding him. Ubaydullah banished him to Zarah. Firozabadi says that Zarah is a reed-bed and the name of an area in Misr and Tarabuloos, and is also a (name of the) mountain in Bahrayn, which has a water spring.

Uqbah bin Sam'an. Tabari and Ibne Aseer say that Umar bin Sa'ad arrested him and he was a servant of Rabab (A.S.), the wife of Imam Husain (A.S.) and daughter of Imru al Qays Kalbi and mother of Sakinah (A.S.). When Umar inquired from him as to what position he held, he replied that he was a retainer and did not have authority, thus Umar released him.
Zahhak bin Abdullah Mashriqi. We deem appropriate to relate about him. Loot bin Yahya Azdi says, that Abdullah bin Asim Hamadani has related to him that Zahhak bin Abdullah Mashriqi told him that: I alongwith Malik bin Nazr Arhabi came to the presence of Imam Husain (A.S.). We saluted him and sat near him. Imam replied our salutations, then after welcoming us inquired as to why we came there. We replied, "We have come here to offer salutations to you and pray regarding your well-being, besides renewing our sight of you. Besides we have come to inform you that the people of Kufa have united to fight you, thus you may take your decision." Imam replied, "Allah is sufficient and the best Judge for me." We related to him the vice of the people, then we made a farewell salute and prayed for his well-being, while asking his permission to leave. Imam said, "Why do you not assist me"? Malik bin Nazr replied that, "I am under debt and have children", while I said that, "I am indebted too even while having no children, then if you promise to excuse me at the time when my defending you would not be beneficial to you, I shall remain with you." Imam replied that,"In that case you are free to do so",

Thus I remained behind with him.

Thus Zahhak bin Abdullah remained along with Imam Husain (A.S.) till the day of Ashoorah, and he has related reports from him regarding the day and night of Ashoorah. He further says that: When I saw that all the companions of the Imam have been martyred, while the enemies had laid their hands upon him and his family, and no one, except Suwayd bin Umro Khas'ami and Basheer bin Umro Hazramee was there. I came upto him and said, "O son of the Prophet of Allah! Do you remember what pact was made between us, and I had promised that until the fighters remain with you I shall fight alongwith them, if not I shall be free. And you had agreed to it." Imam replied,"You have spoken the truth, but then how will you save yourself? Then if you can do so, you are at liberty."

At the time when the horses of the companions were being wounded, while arrows were being shot, I secretly hid my horse in one of the tents of the companions, and I defended on foot. Then I killed two persons in front of Imam and severed the hand of another. That day Imam told me several times,"Do not severe the hands of anyone, may Allah not amputate your hands! May Allah reward you due to the Progeny of your Prophet."

Then when he gave me the permission, I went and brought my horse from the tent and sat on it. Then I spurned it until it stood on its feet and I rushed from the midst of the army. They gave me the way until I galloped away, while fifteen horsemen started pursuing me, until I reached the village of Shafiyah near the bank of Euphratus. They came near me and when I turned around, Kaseer bin Abdullah Sha'abi, Ayyub bin Mushreh Haywani and Qays bin Abdullah Saedi recognised me. They said, "This is Zahhak bin Abdullah Mashriqi, our cousin. We request you in the name of Allah to lift your hands off him." Hearing this three men from among the Bani Tameem sided with them and others too followed suit, thus Allah saved me.

Abdullah bin Abbas rightly said, while being reprimanded for not siding with Imam Husain (A.S.) (in Karbala), "Not a single person from among the companions (to be martyred in Karbala) could be deleted nor added. We knew them by their names even before meeting them."
Mohammad bin Hanafiyah said, "Their [the companions of Imam Husain (A.S.) (in Karbala)] names along with the names of their fathers was written with us. May my parents be their ransom, I wish I would have been alongwith them, I too would have reached the great achievement."

The noble and trustworthy Shaikh Mohammad bin Hasan Saffar Qummi, who died in Qum in the year 290 A.H., relates in his book Basaerud Darajat from Huzayfa Ghifari, that when Imam Hasan (A.S.) entered into a peace treaty with Mu'awiyah and returned back to Madina, I was along with him. A Camel laden with load was along with him every time and Imam never let it go away from his sight. One day I inquired of him, "May I be your ransom O Aba Muhammad! What is this load which is never separated from you"? Imam replied,"O Huzayfa! Do you not know what it contains"?

I replied in the negative. Imam Hasan (A.S.) replied,"This is a register."

I asked him as to what register was it. He replied,"It is a register containing the names of our Shi'ah."
I asked, "Please show me my name in it." Imam told me to come the next morning. I went in the morning accompanied by my nephew, who knew to read, while I did not know to do so. Imam asked me as to why I had come early in the morning? I replied that I had come to see that what he had promised me. Imam Hasan (A.S.) asked,"Who is this youth alongwith you"?

I said that he was my nephew and knew how to read, while I did not know. He signaled us to sit down. Imam ordered that the centre register be brought. The register was brought and when my nephew opened it to see, the letters therein shone. Then while reading, he suddenly said, "O uncle! Here is my name." I said, "May your mother mourn you! Read my name." After scrutiny he showed me my name and we were overjoyed, and this youth was martyred along with Imam Husain (A.S.) in Karbala.

Receding to the account of the condition of the companions of Imam Husain (A.S.)

The books of martyrdom state, that the companions of Imam Husain (A.S.) started coming to him one after the other and saying, "Peace be upon you O son of the Prophet of Allah"! Imam would reply to their salutations and would say,"Very soon we too shall follow you."
Then he recited the following verse of the Qur'an;

"Of the believers are the men who are true to what they covenanted with Allah, of them is he who fulfilled his vow and of them is he who awaits (its fulfilment), and they have changed not in the least."[67]

"The cup of death rotates above them, and they have closed their eyes against the world, similar to an inebriate, their bodies have reached death upon the earth in his love, and they souls have ascended in the curtains upon the high heavens, then they have not occupied a place except near their friend, but they have not ascended due to anxiety."
Sayyed ibne Tawoos says that the companions of Imam Husain (A.S.) competed with one another to sacrifice themselves for him. They were such as has been said regarding them: "They are group who are called to defend at times of anxiety, and some of the soldiers are occupied in striking with the spears and some to gather the valorous, they have worn their hearts upon their armours, as if they preceded one another in sacrificing their lives."

Shaikh Ibne Nima says regarding their valour, self-sacrifice and their defence (of the son of the Prophet of Allah): "When they lift up their whitish coloured lances and resolve firmly, then the Lions of the thicket flee away in fright, to the name of the mill-stone of the ferocious battle are warrior weapons, when they lay siege their adversaries are in a loss, when they dig their legs in the battlefield, then their promised place is the day of Qiyamah."

Ibne Abil Hadeed in his Sharhe Nahjul Balagha says, that a person who was among the army of Umar bin Sa'ad in Karbala was asked, "Woe be to you! You have murdered the progeny of the Prophet of Allah"? To which he replied, "Put stones in between your teeth (keep quite)! If you had seen (that day) what we saw, you too would have done what we did. Valorous persons equipped with swords, who were similar to the male Lions, attacked us. They would fling the valourous on the left and right and would fall upon death. They would not accept protection, nor be allured by wealth. There was nothing for them except acquiring dominion or death. If we had held back our hands from them even for a short time, they would have annihilated our entire army. What would we have done at that moment"?

Shaikh Abu Umro Kashshi says that Habib was one of those seventy men, who had assisted Imam Husain (A.S.). They were forwarding their chests in front of the lances and their faces (in front) of the edge of the swords. They were offered protection and abundant wealth, but they refused to accept the same saying, "We do not have any excuse to offer the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) that we remained alive while Imam Husain (A.S.) was killed, until we all are killed."

I (the Author) say that, "The companions of our Master Imam Husain (A.S.) hold a great right upon all the Muslims. It is appropriate that here we quote a short couplet from their praises thus fulfilling an insignificant part of their rights, for they were similar to what has been said by their eulogisers. [Here the author quotes two couplets, which I forego] (Here ends the first volume of Nafasul Mahmoom to be followed InshAllah by the second one).

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