Saturday 11th of January 2025
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The purport of some terms common among the Shī‘ahs

4. The purport of some terms common among the Shī‘ahs

I have often seen that the Wahhābīs misinterpret certain expressions as badā’, dissimulation [taqiyyah], inerrancy [ismah] and mushaf that are commonly used in the Shī‘ah culture. So long as the meanings of these words are not made clear, there will exist no feasibility of a strife-free dialogue between the Shī‘ahs and the Wahhābīs because of the profound diversity there is between the Shī‘ahs’ interpretation of the words and how the Wahhābīs understand them, although these expressions are formally the same.

This may seem to be the point where the two realities of Imamate and the Twelfth Imam’s (‘a) occultation should be brought up, but to make it easier for the Wahhābīs to grasp the idea we moved it to stage three because it is very hard for them to perceive them at this particular stage. Now, let us take a cursory look at the issue of knowing the Imāmiyyah

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