Thursday 7th of November 2024
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Sources of the Imāmiyyah school of thought

1. Sources of the Imāmiyyah school of thought

Before making a thorough examination of the religious concepts and beliefs, the Wahhābīs habitually claim that the Shī‘ahs’ beliefs stem from the Zoroastrianism, Judaism and Christianity. This is an unfounded judgment because if they trace the same line that we have mentioned in the previous stages, they will realize that the fundamentals of the Shī‘ism are all derived from the Qur’an and the correct Prophetic (s) Sunnah. If the Wahhābīs were familiar with the Imāmiyyah’s scholarly verdicts and practice, they would perceive our assertion and would no longer accuse the Shī‘ahs of being Zoroastrians. Since they equate the Shī‘ism with Extremism, the Wahhābīs think that the sources of these two are also identical, and that the Shī‘ah sources have their roots in the Zoroastrianism, Judaism and Christianity, just as the extremists’ deviations come from the Zoroastrianism, Judaism and Christianity. How distant are these two opinions!

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