Friday 10th of January 2025
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Creators of Works on Ahlul Bayt (AS) Honoured in Lebanon

Creators of Works on Ahlul Bayt (AS) Honoured in Lebanon

-- Christian writers and poets who have created works on Ahlul Bayt (AS) were honoured during a ceremony held on December 10, at the UNESCO Hall in Beirut.

The ceremony was organized in cooperation with Iran Cultural Center in Kuwait and Lebanon's Ministry of Guidance.

George Jordagh, Christian writer of “Al-Imam Ali (AS) Sawt Al-‘Adalah Al-Insaniah (Imam Ali, The voice of Human Justice), Boles Salamah, Jorge Shakur, Fiktor Al-Kak and Josef Hashem from among Christian poets and Sulayman Katani who has written a 9-volume book about the life of the holy prophet (PBUH) and seven Shia Imams, were honored at the ceremony.

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