Wednesday 8th of January 2025
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What will the world be like during Imam Mahdi’s rule?

What will the world be like during Imam Mahdi’s rule?

Quranic verses and traditions all show that during Imam Mahdi’s (rule) there will be great progress in every aspect of our lives. Our life, way of living and thinking will be revolutionized. Some of the events that will occur can be listed as:

1        Injustice and tyranny will be exterminated for good and there will be global peace. Regarding the verse: “And say: The truth has come and falsehood has perished, surely falsehood is perishable” Imam Baqir (AS) has said: “when the Qa’em rises, the rule of falsehood will perish”.

2        There will be universal welfare and happiness. The prophet (peace be upon him) said: “in his time people will be blesses with such blessings that no righteous or unrighteous has been blessed with before. The skies will continually rain down on them and the earth will not hide any of its plants from them (i.e. every plant that can grow will come out of the earth)”.  It has also been narrated from Imam Sadiq (AS) that in his time: “The earth will reveal its treasures so that people will see them on its surface. A man will search greatly to find someone to give him donations or charity but will find no one willing to take money from him. People will be in welfare because of the wealth that Allah has given them”.

3        Science and knowledge will vastly expand. It has been narrated form Imam Sadiq (AS): “Knowledge is twenty seven words and all that the prophets have brought with them are only two words. To date, people don’t know except for these two words, but when the Qa’em from us rises, he will reveal the other twenty five words of knowledge and distribute them between people and add them to the other two so that knowledge will be completed with twenty seven words.”

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