Friday 5th of July 2024
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Can science and the fast evolving human intellectual capabilities help in understanding Mahdism Doctrine?-2

It appears from the limited number of researches presented in this paper that scientists a cross the world is researching and discovering mechanisms that control aging process and this means in essence, that longevity in principle is not a science fiction or out of comprehension. This is the first objective of this humble study in which efforts were made to make scientific expression easier, but the use of good few specialised terms was inevitable.
The second objective of this study is to discuss the evolution of human intellectual capabilities over time:
Evolution fall in two broad meaning:
1- Biological evolution, a theory brought a bout by a genius biologist Charles Darwin in the mid nineteenth century and eloquently explained in his very revolutionary and controversial book “The origin of species by means of natural selection” which was published in 1859. In his book he expressed four ideas:
I- The living world is changing and dynamic, but not static. II- The evolutionary process is usually gradual and steady. III- The common ancestor theory and IV- the theory of natural selection. He believed that human being is the perfect creature and stand on the top of animal kingdom evolutionary ladder, though human being himself has no input in the process! Not all biologists believe in his theory and equally not all religious scholars rejected it.
Prof Arber, Nobel Prize laureate, hold middle ground when he recently delivered an excellent seminar at Liverpool Hope University addressing the audience on the “Biological evolution: Scientific and spiritual consideration”. He pointed clearly through the tools that he discovered in genetic engineering to the intelligent designer who used the same tools to create all life forms with all its diverse pictures through an evolutionary mechanism.
As a molecular biologist myself, I have elaborated in more detail on this topic in my published book “Human Genome: Social and Ethical implications” (Ahmed, 2005). I referred to the book of life that was written by God, and explained the way in which genetic information is stored, inherited and expressed, which is basically the same in all-living organism. This explains the uniformity of creation and uniqueness of creator. All creation has the same basic genetic alphabets which are composed of only four letters, which through their different combination produce all diversity within our biosphere. This language of the Genes was decoded initially in 2001 with few gaps, and then fully in 2003. The scientists published their results, which covered more than hundred pages in both Nature and Science Journals in February, 2001.
There are two equally worthy ways to understand the divine, in Galileo’s wonderful way of separating the supernatural from the natural Galileo said. "One was reverent contemplation of the Bible, God\'s word and the other was through scientific contemplation of the world, which is his creation”.
2- Historical, social or intellectual evolution which is man made process achieved and manifested through acquisition and dissemination of knowledge and through interactions of man with nature and technological devices he discovered along his evolving history across generations regardless of ideology and geography? This evolving journey was gradual as biological one and being transformed from a single very primitive tribal family unit into a very complex social structure, as explained thoroughly by Al Amini (1996) in Chapter 11 page 2. “ … The progression from village life to city and national life was gradual and prompted by a pragmatic decision to further the common good that was very much defined by the need for security and peaceful relations with those societies that were more numerous and powerful. The birth of a nation was the logical outcome of the human need to provide the maximum benefit of corporate existence within a defined territory. It was in many ways an extension of familial structure in which citizenry provided the new basis for social and political cooperation. More importantly, it transcended racial and other forms of distinctions that converged under a national culture. Ultimately, their development served to remove causes of conflict and hostility and to demonstrate the benefit of unity in furthering the purposes of a good society. With the cumulative experience of hundreds of centuries of living together, an absolute egocentric individualism and human pettiness were to a considerable extent brought under some ethical scrutiny. In spite of all the benefits that accrued through a mutually recognized social contract, the need to work even harder to improve living conditions had to be guaranteed through the creation of a social and economic infrastructure.
In our current state of affair and in particular since the last two decades of the twenties century, almost quarter of a century ago, humanity evolved exponentially in a magnitude which require more than a century to be achieved in conventional historical measure as explained by Kurzwell, (2005). Kurzwell pointed out to the pervasiveness of exponential growth in technological development which had a huge impact on societal evolution.
Technology and in particular information one, influences and shapes modern society to an unprecedented degree.
Technology influence is everywhere, part of the air we breathe, and the atmosphere we inhibit, which is reflected in the new word “Technospher” which has been coined to indicate the all-pervasiveness of today’s technology (Ferguson, 1994).
No doubt technology has brought humanity unimagined benefits, amenities and opportunities. On the other hand, it has brought us huge and various risks, unexpected side effects, unprecedented pollution and vast social disintegration.
The united nation conference on the Human Environment, held in Stockholm in June 1972, considered the report “Only One Earth” by Barbara Ward and Rene Dubois-a document which argued that critical choices about future directions had to be made. The report said:
“In short, the two world of man-the biosphere of his inheritance, the technosphere of his creation- are out of balance, indeed, potentially in deep conflict. And man is in the middle. This is the hinge of history at which we stand , the door of the future opening on to a crisis more sudden, more global, more inescapable and more bewildering than ever encountered by the human species, and one which will take decisive shape within the life span of children who are already born.”
The challenge to the future was identified by Maurice Strong, Secretary-General of the UN conference, in his opening address: “...To overcome greed, to transcend narrow concepts of the person and limited self –interest, to join in the thrill and satisfaction of unparalleled era of creativity; the alternative is to share responsibility for our own destruction and the end of human experiment”
The disastrous implications of the advancements in technology, along with the associated social disintegration, led prominent scientists and philosophers to predict that the decline of the current civilisation is imminent (Ahmed, 2005).
American philosopher John Dewi said that: “the civilisation that allowed science to kill moral and ethical values of the societies and do not have faith in that science to offer the alternative is a civilisation that harbours the seed of disaster to its self”.
Dubos (1998) in his book “So human an Animal” describes modern technology as a God and that the human has become a slave to that God.
The German philosopher Hegel pioneered the idea that each nation is a member in the history cycle of human societies. Therefore he is subject as any member in the society to the laws and cycles of growth, development, prosperity and ultimate decline.
Hegel himself thought that western civilisation is at the apex now and the next phase would be its decline and death.
Bertrand Russell, the English philosopher mentioned that the time for the white-man who represents the western civilisation is coming to an end. The dominance of the white race is not a constant natural law and when his civilisation reaches its limits, the phase of disintegration will start.
History of human civilisation is a series of rise, fall and extension. As the famous historian Toynbee has pointed out, a decline of civilisation is inevitable, though in the whole, human history continue to advance steadily along a line of evolution (Toynbee, 1981).
All those scholars and a lot more besides, reached their conclusions by referring to the phenomenal symptoms of devastating diseases that is engulfing the body of the current civilisation and the brave new world! Among these symptoms, which are documented statistically?
Significant increase in number of crimes
Significant increase in acts of suicide
Significant increase in family disintegration
Significant increase in psychological diseases
Significant increase in drugs abuse
Significant increase in child abuse
These symptoms and many more served as indicators for the beginning of the next phase, the phase of decline and death.
But this decline will not necessarily lead, as some have predicted or wish to an Islamic civilisation coming to rule the world. Allah (“SWT” - All Praise be unto Him) set down norms and rules, which applied to all humanity regardless of their religion, race, colour or creed. This reflects the fairness of Allah “SWT”. Among these norms is that the victory of a nation depends entirely on that nation and whether it prepares or posses the requirement for that victory or not? Whether it plans, prepares, and works hard or not? Whether it gets a determined vision as a crucial preliminary requirement for victory or not? Muslims, therefore, need to work hard to be able to master the world as real trustees of Allah “SWT” and stop looking sentimentally into the past glories. Muslims should not be under any illusion that the falling of western civilisation will inevitably led to their succession, this is the dream of inefficient and irresponsible nation. As a close friend, and convert to Islam remarked: “Muslims must remain rooted in the past but stop living in it”.

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