Tuesday 16th of July 2024
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The Ugliest Trait

Hypocrisy: The Ugliest Trait

Hypocrisy is Undoubtedly one of the most detestable qualities. It is in man’s nature to accept happiness and freedom; and to upgrade itself to the highest degree of dignity. Yet when man becomes polluted with lying, violation of promises and breaching of agreements, hypocrisy finds itself a wide arena and is ready to penetrate such polluted natures. Hypocrisy advances in these circumstances until it eventually becomes an acute disease. Hypocrisy not only prevents individuals form reaching the truth or even attempting to discover it, but it also becomes an indestructible dam placed on the path of acquiring noble characteristics. Of course, all that stands in the path of sensible conduct and psychological integrity; and contradicts the life of happiness which relies on spiritual perfection.
Hypocrisy is a dangerous epidemic which threatens man’s honor and dignity, leads to irresponsibility and lowly traits, and replaces his self-confidence with Suspicion, pessimism and anxiety.
Those who reach the dangerous point in their behavioral misconduct convince themselves that they want the best for all people. When this troubled person (hypocrite) deals with an unharmonious couple he presents himself as a dear friend and faithful advisor and then turns around and puts the other down, greatly criticizing him, while in fact he feels no spiritual or moral relations to either of them.
False compliments, unconditional acceptance of other ideologies, and refraining from the defending righteousness when it is essential, are all characteristics of hypocrites.
According to a great scholar, hypocrites are more dangerous than archenemies:
“Enemies have the characteristics of being both covert and overt enemies; for animosity hajust one color. I wish that friends were like enemies as far as pretence is concerned. Undoubtedly friends that are hypocrites are worse than the common hypocrite.”
Because the hypocrite is unable to win the hearts of those he deals with or gain love and respect, his life is full of humiliation and disgust. His attempts to conceal the facts prevent him from living a secure, stable, and anxiety free life; for he is in constant fear of the inevitable discovery of what he really is.
One of the elements of social sorrow is the way hypocrisy is spreading and the lack of honesty and sincerity among various classes of society. If hypocrisy penetrates the structure of a community and overwhelms the hearts of its members, then in addition to the deceit and lowliness which become apparent among them; such a community will face an inevitable downfall.
The British scholar S. Smiles said:
“The conduct of contemporary politicians is on the path of corruption and disorder. The opinions which they give in their reception rooms varies from those they give in public speeches. For instance, these politicians praise the people for their patriotic feelings and then turn around and laugh at the same in their private meetings.
“Fluctuations of thought exist in our era more than at any time in the past, and principles change and vary as interests do. I believe that hypocrisy will gradually crawl out of its lowly shell and eventually become a praiseworthy quality; for if the upper class of a society becomes used to hypocrisy, all other class will follow adopting the same views, for they derive their habits and conduct from the higher classes.
“The fame which is gained today is earned when the evil traits of the people are exposed, ignoring the noble qualities of ally
There is a Russian proverb that says:
“He who has a strong spine can not be promoted to higher position.”
The spines of men who adore fame eventually become weak and flexible so as to follow the tides of reputation by deceiving people, concealing the facts from the public and speaking exactly as the lower classes long to hear. Worse yet is to exploit the dissention and hypocrisy which might exist between the different classes of society. Such fame cannot be viewed by righteous save with disgust and resentment, and its advocates have no respect or honor. Sincerity and honesty are manifestations of a pure conscience and are the most honorable traits of life. These traits, which are found in those with truly pure souls, harmonize personalities and bring peace, unity and strength into the community. It is natural for man to love his faithful friends more than those he doubts, and as the love of the faithful increases, the hatred for the hypocrites also increases.

Burn Down the Dwellings of Hypocrisy

When Islam started advancing rapidly, the party of hypocrites who felt that they were threatened more than all other opposition parties attempted to destroy the pillars of the Islamic government. They made oaths to the Prophet (S.A.W.), then declined to fulfill their duties when the time came for them to execute them. They also criticized the believers.
This destructive and corruptive minority was not able to tolerate the people’s faith and devotion to the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.). The leader of these hypocrites was Abu Amir (the priest), who was the chief of the People of the Book in Medina, where he gained a reputation among the people for being a religious man. He prophesied the advent of the Prophet (S.A.W.) prior to his Message and during the first stages of his Prophet hood. Later he was unable to tolerate the loss of his reputation because of the spread of Islam, so he migrated to Mecca and joined the polytheists war against the Prophet (S.A.W.) at Badr and Uhud.
Abu Amir then fled to the Romans where he began plotting to eradicate the tree of Islam. It was with his instigation that his companions built the “Mosque of Dissension in Medina. At the time this Mosque was constructed no one was allowed to build a mosque without the consent of the Holy Messenger (S.A.W.). The Prophet (S.A.W.) granted them permission to build the mosque and when he returned from the battle of Tabuk, the people of the mosque called the Prophet to honor the opening. Beforehand, Allah, the Almighty, had revealed to His Messenger the men’s evil intentions and the Prophet refused to go and commanded the army to destroy the mosque.
“Only he shall visit the mosques of Allah who believes in Allah and the latter day, and keeps up prayer and pays the poor rate and fears none but Allah; so (as for) these, it may be that they are of the followers of the right course.”
Qur`an 9:18
In this manner their treacherous plotting was foiled, and the first place of hypocrisy was burnt.
The Holy Qur`an greatly criticizes this group and condemns them in many verses:
“And there are some people who say: ‘We believe in Allah and the Last Day’; and they are not at all believers.
“They desire to deceive Allah and those who believe, and they do not perceive.
“There is disease in their hearts, so Allah added to their disease and they shall have a painful chastisement because they lied.
“And when it is said to them. ‘Do not make mischief in the land’, they say: ‘We are but peace-makers’.
“Now surely they themselves are the mischief-makers, but they do not perceive.”
Qur`an 2. 8-12

Hypocrisy is a spiritual disease; this might have been what Imam Ali (A.S.) was pointing out when he said:
“Be aware of the people of hypocrisy for they are the misled, the misleading, and the leaders to wrong paths. Their hearts are ill; and their appearances pure.”
Ghurar al-Hikam p. 146
Dr. H. Shakhter said:
“There are some people who argue for no other reason except to become famous. These people are not sure about their beliefs nor do they really believe in what they argue about, yet they would rather criticize others instead of remaining silent as it is difficult for them to tolerate others indifference to them. Another type of people are those that when they notice people’s indifference to them, follow the path of hypocrisy to create dissension and hence prove their existence.”
Rushd Shakhsiyyat
Imam Ali (A.S.) said:
“A hypocrite: His words are beautiful, and his inner (conscience) is ill.”
Ghurar al-Hikam p. 60
A hypocritical person does not have a group he can rely on, therefore, he constantly lives in confusion. The Messenger (S.A.W.) described hypocrisy by saying:
“A hypocrite is like a sheep confused between two herds.”
Nahj al-Fasãhah p. 562

The Prophet (S.A.W.) revealed to us three signs of a hypocrite when he said:
“And there are three signs of hypocrites: When they speak they lie. When they make promises they do not keep them. And when they are trusted they cheat.”

Bihar al-Anwar v.15, p. 30

Imam Baqir (A.S.) said:
“It is evil for a worshipper to have two faces and two tongues, praise his brother in his presence and slander him in his absence. If he gives to his brother he envies him, and if his brother is tested he fails (to help him).”

Bihar al-Anwar v..15,p 172

Imam Ali (A.S.) pointed out another characteristic of hypocrites when he stated that they are always defensive but critical of others:
“The hypocrite is a flatterer of himself, and a defamer of other people.”

Ghurar al-Hikam p.88

Dr. S. Smiles said:
“Flatterers and hypocrites always think about themselves and are never concerned with others. They concentrate on their own actions and affairs until their minor and lowly existence becomes their universe and great idol.”


Imam Sadiq (S.A.W.) explains Luqman’s following admonition to his son:
“A hypocrite has three signs: his tongue contradicts his heart, his heart contradicts his conduct, an his appearance contradicts his inner (beliefs).”
Bihär al-A nwär v.15, p. 30

Man’s thoughts reveal his real self. People who attempt to conceal what is in their hearts beneath hypocrisy and flattery will never be successful, for their reality and the truth will eventually be revealed.
A man said to Imam Sadiq (A.S.):
“When a person says to me: ‘I like (or love) you.’ How do I know that he is telling the truth?”
The Im(A.S.) answered the man:
“Examine your heart, if you like him then he likes you. Look in your heart, if it refuses your companion then one of you has done something.”
Al-Wafi v.3, p. 106
Dr. Mardin said:
“If you really think that you can introduce yourself with words then you have deceived yourselves. Because others will not judge you by the norms you wish to assign. Rather they will know you by your actions, words, conditions, conscience, and your inner self. The people who you talk to will notice the strengths and weaknesses of your ideas, your hypocrisy and reality from your speech and even your silence. The people around you will discover your hopes and intentions, and then form their opinions about you; even if you object to some of their views about you, they will be unwilling to change them.
“Sometimes we hear people say: ‘I can’t even stand to look at a specific person.’ These individuals cannot tolerate the hated ones, even though they may have some praiseworthy traits or a pleasant appearance. People who feel this way do so because they have read the thoughts and feelings of others. We also feel that Way about some people. This is the effect of thoughts. All our thoughts and feelings spread around us and others sense them with the rays of their thought’’
Pirozi Fikr
Imam (A.S.) said:
“Healthy consciences have more truthful testimonies than eloquent tongues.”
Ghurar al-Hikam p. 105
When we say hypocrisy, we mean it in a broader sense than just ideological, behavioral, moral, or verbal hypocrisy, for Islam has called all its adherents to a total and comprehensive unity, so as to lead them to a sincere life free of hypocrisy, dissension and treachery.

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*A Society Polluted with Sins
*The Disadvantages of Slander
*What Causes Slander to Spread
*Religion Verses Ill Manners

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