Thursday 4th of July 2024
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The Pathway of Man as Commanded by Allah

1.2 The Pathway of Man as Commanded by Allah
“..as for those who believe in Allah and hold fast by Him, He will cause them to enter into His mercy and grace and guide them to Himself on a right path.” Surah Al Nisa (4:175)

None can doubt the complexity of man’s composition when analysing the sum of his constituent elements which comprises the physiological, the psychological and the spiritual. The scope of man’s intellect and being has travelled far into the region of knowledge and capability,extending into religious, sociological, educational, scientific, industrial, political, economic, ecological, cultural, legal and governmental mores, all of which are interdependent, and lead into many further diverse areas requiring regulation and guidance. Therefore it is reasonable to conclude that the One most able to understand and guide mankind is his Creator, Allah Most Merciful.

(a) Monotheism: Say: Verily my Lord hath guided me to a Way that is straight - a religion of right - the Path (trod) by Abraham the true in faith, and he (certainly) joined not gods with Allah.” Surah Al An‘am (6:161)
The first recognized step in this pathway is the acknowledgement of Islamic Monotheism, the fundamental belief in which Allah Alone is worshipped, having no partners nor yet is there any other God or one like Him upon whom one can call. The pathway of man as commanded by Allah is one in which recognition of, and obedience to Allah brings guidance and protection, and this may be seen in Surah Al Ikhlas - The Purity of Faith. All else is falsehood.
Imam Ali, Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) gives the following advice: Now then I advise you to fear Allah, Who created you for the first time; toward Him is your return, with Him lies the success of your aims, from Him terminate (all) your desires, towards Him runs your right path, and He is the goal of your fears (for seeking protection)… [2]
(b) Islam: “…. This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” Surah Al Ma’idah (5:3)
Islam, the essence of monotheistic belief, is the religion which Allah has chosen for mankind, and which was, as stated in the Qur’an, the religion given to the Prophet Ibraham (a.s.) and those Prophets and Messengers chosen by Allah to follow on. It was perfected during the life of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and its vast stores of knowledge, laws, and admonition for mankind have been passed down through the centuries, being relayed and interpreted for the believers of each age by Allah’s chosen Representatives since that time.

Imam Ali (a.s.) speaks of it thus: “Have you fully realised what Islam is? It is indeed a religion founded on truth. It is such a fountain-head of learning that several streams of wisdom and knowledge flow from it. It is such a lamp that several lamps will be lighted from it. It is a lofty beacon illuminating the path of Allah…..”
(c) The Prophet of Islam (s.a.w.): “O Prophet! Truly We have sent thee as a Witness, a Bearer of Glad Tidings, and a Warner.” Surah Al Ahab (33:45)
On the pathway of Allah we cannot advance, nor yet hope to attain spiritual fulfilment, neither is one’s future secure at all without knowledge of, and love towards the holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). The final Prophet of Allah, who, of all Prophets, alone was given the responsibility, as seen even in previous scriptures, of being the mercy for mankind in its entirety. His position has been established by the Word of Allah, in which it is said: We have not sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to men, giving them glad tidings, and warning them (against sin), but most men understand not. Surah Saba’ (34:28)
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) was not only the Receiver and Conveyor of the Message from Allah, but Judge and Statesman. He led the prayers of the people, educated them, administered divine justice between them, and issued orders as the leader of their society in war and peacetime. So important is the rank of this Prophet of Islam (s.a.w.) that there are many texts requiring obedience to him, such as Surah Al Nisa (4:80) in which it is said: He who obeys the Messenger obeys Allah. In fact, if one only refers to texts using the Arabic verb Ata’a meaning “to obey”, one immediately finds 27 verses which exhort obedience to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) as being obedience to Allah. Therefore the position of the Holy Prophet in the way of Allah is of paramount consequence.

1.3 The fulfilment of Allah’s promise
It is in the worship of Allah and sincere obedience to his Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that Allah’s promise of guidance and mercy may be found. The Almighty has never allowed man to be left unprotected, without light and guidance. Even during long passages of time there were signs, scriptures and Messengers for those who retained faith in Allah. As reminded by Ayatullah Mutahheri, The Prophets and the Imams have been described as the main routes and the straight path, the sign-posts for the people, the light houses in the land, the guides to the way of Allah, the preachers of His message and the proclaimers of what He likes.[3]

This Light and Mercy did not disappear with the death of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) nor yet was there confusion over this issue for those of belief. This may be seen in the words of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) prior to his death beside the pond of Khumm on the 18th of Zhul Hijjah after the Farewell Pilgrimage: “It seems as if I have been summoned and I am going away. However I am leaving among you two weighty things, one of which is greater than the other. They are the Book of Allah the Almighty, and my children. So take care how you treat them after me. The two shall never part company until they come to me at the Pool. The Lord, Allah, the Almighty, is my Master and I am the master of every true believer.” Then he took the hand of Ali in his hand and said: “He is the master of those whose master I have been. O Allah, love those who love Ali and hate those who hate him…” [4]
This was not a capricious pronouncement prompted by nepotism or brought about by his love of Ali(a.s.), though there can be no doubt that certainly he did love him - this was by command of Allah with far-reaching consequences as deeper study reveals.

After Imam Ali, Commander of the Faithful (as.) would be those of the progeny of the Prophet (s.a.w.) through his and Fatemah‘s (a.s.) line, and this is noted in further reports from a number of sources, as in the following: The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said: Behold! My Ahl-ul-Bayt are like the Ark of Noah, whoever embarked in it was saved, and whoever turned away from it was drowned. [5].
The Holy House (a.s.) was to prevail, not through Prophethood but Imamate - Spiritual Leadership and Governance. With each generation has been the Imam, the Wali, the Master of the Age, the one Perfect man whose purity and knowledge and nearness to Allah gives guidance to the Believers. With the occultation of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) the twelfth Imam, has come the promise of his re-appearance through which Allah, is to bring back justice and righteousness to the Earth. He, himself, has said: “I am Al-Mahdi, and I am the Still-living one who will establish justice throughout the world the same as it has been filled with oppression. Surely the earth will never remain without a witness, and people will not live in lack of a leader. Thus do not retell this except for your Muslim brothers who are Men of God”. [6]

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