Friday 5th of July 2024
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Man’s tendencies to follow false pathways

2.1 Man’s tendencies to follow false pathways
He Who taught (the use of) the pen - taught man that which he knew not. Nay! But man doth transgress all bounds in that he looketh upon himself as self-sufficient. Verily to thy Lord is the return (of all). Al ’Alaq (96:4-8).
Qur’anically man who chooses to live without spiritual ethics is unappreciative. Created, nurtured and sustained by Allah, as stated, man is ungrateful, arrogant to the point of ignorance, rebellious, putting his own will before the Almighty, from Whom he came, and to Whom he is finally to return…Then see you such a one as takes as his god his own vain desire? Al Jathiya (45:23).
Obedience to Allah’s commands brings safeguards, thus while obedience is mandatory, science has often revealed that these commands are demonstrably beneficial. Discussion of dietary laws is not intended here, nevertheless there is a very thought-provoking text in connection to this aspect of obedience: “And do not eat of that on which Allah’s name has not been mentioned, and that is most surely a transgression; and most surely the Shaitans suggest to their friends that they should contend with you; and if you obey them, you shall most surely be polytheists (idol-worshippers).” Surah Al Anam (6:121). Clearly it is a warning for man not to place the influence or advice or commands of any other being above the words and commands of Allah, for the outcome of such is polytheism.
We are also reminded that man is not without an Enemy, and the vow of the Shaitan was : “I will lie in wait for (ambush) them on Thy Straight Way…” Surah Al Araf (7:16). We who are Muslim cannot claim immunity, but must be ever vigilant, remembering that the vowed ambush would not take place on a by-way, but on Allah’s Straight Path. It is not surprising therefore that the followers of Islam have diverged into many pathways.

Dealing with Degrees of Polytheism, which is a major recurrent theme in man’s history, Ayatullah Muttaheri states: “Now we can comprehend what the Holy Prophet meant when he said that infiltration of polytheism into belief is as quiet and imperceptible as the crawling of an ant on a smooth (black) stone in the darkness of night. The fact is that the dividing line between monotheism and polytheism is the relationship between Allah on the one hand and man and the world on the other. This relationship is that of “from Him” and “to Him”. In the theoretical monotheism the line of demarcation is “from him”. We are all from Allah.”[7]

2.2 Historical Evidence of false pathways:
“Mankind was but one people; so Allah sent the prophets as bearers of good tidings and as warners, and He sent down with them the book with the truth, so that it might judge between the people in that in which they had differed. And none differed about it but the very people who were given it, after clear signs had come to them, revolting among themselves; whereupon Allah guided, by His will, those who believed, to the truth about which they differed…” Surah Al Baqarah (2:213)

Of the above verse, al-Allamah as-Sayyid at-Tabatabai’ comments: “This verse explains why religion was promulgated and mankind obliged to follow it, and why differences occurred in it. Mankind,…were in the beginning one single group. Then occurred differences about the acquisition of the necessities of life.” This earliest religion for mankind was expanded and enhanced by the sending of Prophets, but again there was deviation. “ … This time about the knowledge of religion, or about matters concerning the beginning and end of mankind. Thus, religious unity was disrupted and various groups appeared on the scene, and their differences contaminated other aspects of life. These second differences only occurred because of the revolt of the very people who were given the book, after the fundamentals and characteristics of religion had been fully explained to them, and the proof of Allah had been completed for them.” [8]

Clearly, there were initially two reasons for the differences within mankind from which others branched: (a) desire for worldly gains, which he considered as a natural phenomenon and (b) religious differences, which were not natural, but based on the revolt of mischief-makers.

Religious deviations

The religious history of mankind reveals that not only have religious differences crept into the purity of religion, but in many cases further alienation has existed because of those who have been motivated by politics and avarice to deceive themselves and/or the people. We are reminded of Ayatullah Muttaheri’s words: Sometimes a religious creed is misused in a social system. [9]
In any case divisions, many of which have been accompanied by bloody battles, have marred the essence of religion of those in the past. On the other hand, there are those who have gradually grown away from the Path, replacing it with a cultural by-way. Whatever the case, today we witness a mere glimmer of that which had once been a powerful glow.
Hindusim, Buddhism and tribal cultures
Taking into account some of these areas regarding religious differences, we should mention that Hinduism and Buddhism still exhibit some areas within their ancient books which allude to a time when polytheism was not their focus. Tribal cultures also appear to contain elements of a past monotheism.

Unlike the previously-mentioned religions, Judaism [10] , as we now describe it, originated from an identifiably pure source as seen with Prophet Abraham (a.s.) and was passed on by the Will of Allah through major and minor Prophets (a.s.), as is witnessed Qur’anically: “We did aforetime grant to the Children of Israel the Book, the Power of Command, and Prophethood; We gave them for sustenance things good and pure; and We favoured them above the nations.” Surah Al Jathiyah (45:16). However, as also witnessed Qur’anically, those who were entrusted with this Pathway of Allah fell away from His Truth. So far did they fall that we see, even in their scriptures where human sacrifice, for a time, became part of their ritualistic belief.[11] Their un-Godly Pathway was prompted by their arrogance and wilfulness, and Allah has given us this insight into their thought processes: “….they inherited the Book, but they chose the vanities of this world saying: (everything) will be forgiven us” Surah Al A’raf (7:169). Had they chosen to remain on the Straight Pathway it would have led them, even as their Scriptures testified, to acceptance of the the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and the perfection of Islam.
>From Judaism have come a number of sects - today’s orthodox branch of Judaism has stemmed from Pharisaism, the prevailing religion at the time of Jesus (a.s.). Branches of Judaism include the ascetics and Cabalists with their esoteric teachings, as well as the modernists who want an end to male circumcision and the Sabbath, and the upholding of what is known sin (in reality they have completely dispensed with all the old teachings referred to as Torath Yahveh or Yirath Yahveh - see note 10); Zionism is not an accepted religious branch of Judaism, being more a political faction and is, in fact, dismissed as heretical by the true orthodoxy while being eagerly accepted by irreligious Jews. However, a growing number of Rabbi’s and sects are teaching that unless Zionism is a part of their system of belief, they are not true Jews.

Digressions in Christianity came early in its existence. History will testify to the fact that for a short time during the early Christian era, the true Church responded to the needs and teachings of the people. However, with the Rome-centred deviation and spread to the farthest reaches of the known world, the truth became anathema and alarming philosophies and practices became orthodoxy with devastation for those who believed otherwise.

In Christianity monotheism was supplanted by polytheism. Of this the Qur’an makes mention: “They take their priests and their anchorites to be their Lords in derogation of Allah, and they take (as a deity) Christ the son of Mary; Yet they were commanded to worship but One God: There is no God but He.” Surah Al Tawbah (9:31)
Digression from monotheism and Divine Guidance, brought corruption and arrogance. History witnessed great wealth and power in the hands of the ruling Popes; the merging of Church and State, through client Royals; loss of social justice with vast gulfs between the rich and poor; resultant slavery; denial of education to the common people, and anathematisation of science as being evil. History elaborates on the many military forays into unknown regions, blessed and financed by the church; wars waged on countless unsuspecting indigenous populations the most famous of these holy wars, the Crusades, promising immediate absolution for those who would rescue the Holy Land from the evil Muslims.

Today’s Christianity owes its survival to several factors: (a) the commencement in the 13th Century Renaissance lasting approximately 300 years, in which ordinary people demanded their rights to education, skills and cultural learning. (b) The Seventy Years Captivity which commenced in 1305 with a French Pope, Clement V being crowned in Lyon, and the papal court being moved from Rome to Avignon in 1309 where it remained throughout the reign of the next seven Popes, ending in 1377 with return of the papal throne to Rome under Pope Gregory XI. (c ) The Reformation in 1517 with Martin Luther’s stand against certain Church practices, and from which the Protestant movement sprang. The Reformation went further, questioning Church dogma, with reinterpretation and publishing of Scriptures, a blow to the established Church from which she has never fully recovered.
It must be noted that none of the above factors, the Reformation included, brought back the monotheism taught by Jesus (a.s.). Hence its polytheism continued, in essence preventing recognition of the revealed truth of Islam, still leading man away from salvation. Shifts in Christian religious beliefs have continued and may be seen in innumerable diverse sects and cults. Man’s spiritual desire for monotheism may be seen in the large numbers of adherents leaving the churches, searching for religious substance.
Contemporary New Age Religions
Cults: It would be very remiss not to mention the “New Age” cults and religions which are gaining sway throughout the world, particularly the Western world at this time. Many appear to be a melange of elements of Hinduism, Buddhism, Wicca (witchcraft), Gaia worship (Earth worship), Goddess worship and further hocus pocus, mostly influenced by Pantheism.

Pantheism et al. : Recognising that Pantheism is an ancient cult, it is included because of its far-reaching effect in newly-merging cults, even in some modern Christian teachings. In Pantheism we note that “God” is in everything and everything is God. Therefore, one may live as one chooses, for to obey one’s instincts and desires is to be obedient to “God”. Seemingly in conflict is what is termed Deep Ecology in which the inherent belief is that man is of no more intrinsic value than an animal or plant, etc. However, if pantheism over-rides, then all are equally “God” .
Further into this aspect is that which is now designated as “speciesism”. An interesting quotation from financier, Sir James Goldsmith gives further indication of this: No matter how brilliant the technological revolutions, no matter how useful the economic and political initiatives, there can only be hope if man cast away his anthropocentric delusions… and find his place in nature.” [12] Speciesism states that man must remember that he is no more valuable than a blade of grass or an ant. Therefore we find man being tossed from one extreme to another - from God to insect! For him to consider his origin as being of special significance and nobility, is a view regarded as harmful and incorrect.
Goddess and Gaia worship: An article in the Religion column of (U.S.)Time magazine May 6, 1991 headed When God was a Woman, with the sub-heading Worshippers of Mother Earth are part of a Goddess resurgence, mentions the following: “To mark Earth Day last week, four women and two men stood on a hilltop outside Mount Horeb, Wisconsin, literally praying to Mother Earth………..The ceremonies were part of a growing U.S. spiritual movement, Goddess worship, the effort to create a female-centred focus for spiritual expression. Most participants are women who seek a deity other than God the Father, and a faith less patriarchal than the Judeo-Christian tradition seems to offer. Adherents claim the movement involves as many as 100,000 U.S. women. …… Isis or Astarte are often invoked, [though]most worship a vague generic “Goddess” often depicted as Mother Earth or Gaia, in line with environmental awareness…..some old-line churches are opening up to the Goddess”.

Feminism: It is notable that in one North American mosque, Islam has been tainted by Feminism, having a female muezzin and a female Imam to lead the prayers. Certainly placing women’s un-Islamic desires for leadership ahead of obedience to Allah, upholds what has been written by Imam Ali, Commander of the faithful (a.s.): Do not obey them even in good things so that they may not attract you to evils.[13]
Syncretism: Syncretism, classified as “Religion of all Religions”. This is not Islam but “the blending of the best of all religions”…. reminding of the Pagan Meccans when they suggested to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that they would bow down and worship “his god” if he would worship theirs.
Syncretism is part of a global agenda reported by the first General Secretary of the World Council of Churches, Dr. W.A. Visser ’t Hooft as such: The word syncretism should be reserved for another type of religious attitude which deserves to have its own name because it is such an important, persistent and widespread religious phenomenon. This is the view that holds that there is no unique revelation in history, that there are many different ways to reach the divine reality, that all formulations of religious truth or experience are by their nature inadequate expressions of that truth, and that it is necessary to harmonize as much as possible all religious ideas and experiences so as to create one universal religion for all mankind.” [14]
Islam’s inflexibility in this regard is being questioned, even by some Muslims, as other religions adjust belief to fit a global theology. Interfaith organisations are working towards this end with the development of a new “Interfaith Ministry“. Prayers intoned have segments from all religions, and one phrase used in a recent combined prayer was “La Illaha Illallah, Muhammadan Rasooloollah” which so completely negated every other polytheistic utterance - obviously this phrase has not been understood by the authors of the prayer. We await with interest the day their vision is unveiled.

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