Wednesday 26th of June 2024
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Number of Non-Muslims Convert to Islam in Ramadan 2010

Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), Niyayesh Jafari, a thirty-two year old Armenian woman has converted to Islam in Bandar Abbas, southern Iran after accepting the unity of God and the prophecy of Mohammad (PBUH).

To her the Islam is the most complete, and the women’s dignity is highly considered.

“I am so happy about this happening and feel so great that Islam accepted me as one of its followers.” She said.

A socond woman, formerly known as Mamilik Mike also she converted to Islam during a visit to Tehran’s international Quran exhibition due to the revelations by “Hazrate Zahra”, the daughter of the Holy Prophet Mohammad and spouse to the first Shiite leader Imam Ali, as she said.

A religious science graduate from Al-zahra University in Tehran, She converted to Islam, under the spiritual atmosphere created by the Holy Month of Ramadhan.

“I became more serious about my heartfelt desire to become a shiite muslim on the birthday anniversary of Hazrate Fateme Zahra, which is named as women day in Iran and I found her a complete example for women worldwide,” she added.

The new muslim convert said that she had full study on Islam and found that Shiism “is the most appropriate and complete sect for women.”

An Iranian Jew also joined world Muslims a few days ago on a visit to the International Quran Exhibition.

The sixty-year old man whose name is withheld is a member of an mountain climbing team in Tehran, and has expressed his deep interest in the household of the holy prophet.

An expert familiar with the issue who also asked not to be named said “ during the ۱۷th international Quran Exhibition” in Tehran, some sixteen followers of various divine cults converted to Islam.

source : http://abna.ir/
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