Saturday 21st of December 2024
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Memorize Quran’s Verses Quickly by Finding Relations among Them

Understanding the general concept of related verses of the holy Quran and finding the relation existing among the verses could help to memorize those verses more quickly.

Afsaneh Noruzi, memorizer of the entire Quran said: “A continuous and regular memorization is better than memorizing irregularly at various intervals. If one memorizes one verse daily, he will be more successful than one who memorizes many verses at once and does not review them and hence forgets them quickly. It is a continuous memorization which activates the memory.

“I started memorizing the Quran’s verses in November 2008 by attending the Quran memorization courses of Beyt-ol-Ahzan in Estahban and succeeded to learn the entire Quran by heart in a year.”

She said one way to live based on the Quran’s teachings is to memorize the verses, because it occupies most of the time of the memorizer and prevents him from getting involved with useless affairs.”

“It is better to memorize the verses under the supervision of an expert and start from the 30th part (Juz) of the Quran, and memorize a few verses in a silent place where one can concentrate,” she stated.

Ms Noruzi also stressed that a precise planning is needed for the memorizer to be successful.

“Those who do not have enough time to memorize the entire Quran or their memory is weak, can memorize short Surahs and follow thematic memorization of the verses,” she noted.

She said she believes memorization of the verses without paying attention to the meanings will not be useful, and that the effect of memorizing the Quran should be obvious in one’s character and life.

Nouruzi concluded by saying that based on new developments in science and technology new approaches should be adopted in teaching memorization of the Quran.


source : http://abna.ir
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