Sunday 22nd of December 2024
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Pact to re-fix old Zarih on Askariyain graves

Pact to re-fix old Zarih on Askariyain graves

Pact to re-fix old Zarih on Askariyain graves

HOLY SAMARRA, Iraq: The old Zareeh (gold net around the grave) of the holy graves of Al-Imamain al-Askariyain (AS), which faced destruction as a result of terror criminal act against the holy shrine, will be fixed again on the holy graves in Samarra.


HOLY SAMARRA, Iraq: The old Zareeh (gold net around the grave) of the holy graves of Al-Imamain al-Askariyain (AS), which faced destruction as a result of terror criminal act against the holy shrine, will be fixed again on the holy graves in Samarra.

This was told by engineer Hussein Ali Muhammad, a member of the Askariyah shrine reconstruction committee. He further told in a press release that the foreign companies will very soon begin work to cover the sacred dome and minarets with gold.

A week earlier, an agreement was inked with a number of foreign ccompanies to do so, Hussein told adding that the old Zareeh will be fixed again aimed at telling the Islamic world about the terrorism committed against the holy site.

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