Wednesday 26th of June 2024
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Imam khomei,revived the Imam Hossein\'s Doctrine

 Ahmad Ali Hossein is from Kuwait and recognized the Islamic republic of Iran and Imam Khomeini’s Thoughts in nineteen years old.

This event changed his life way and that was the main reason for his destination to got an Islamic combatant. “I was not Shia, but curious person in my childhood, I was always seeking to truth, until the Islamic revolution of Iran happened and I became aware.

One day when I went to the Friday prayer, after the long delay in the beginning of the prayer , I left there and went to the Shia  mosque , then I visited Islamic followers , one of them explained me about  the  Islamic Religion , then I researched several months in Germany and Dr. Salemi and Moghadam guided me.

I always continued the Islamic books and magazines; especially Islamic government is one of my favorite books. He said in the Interview to the (JNA). He added: Muslim have three problems .1. The foreign enemies especially Israel the 2nd problem is some of the Arabic countries that are the followers of America and Israel, and the 3rd problem is Wahhabi thoughts between Muslims, these are the biggest enemies for the Islamic nations.

The real peaceful between Muslim and West countries never happen. He added the main reasons for the Muslim disabilities are 1. Non - alignment. 2. The courtier Scholars, and the best way for freedom to Global arrogance is the Islamic unity.

In the end he said that the freedom from Imam Khomein\'s point of view is self assertive and theism.

source : http://abna.ir
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