Sunday 30th of June 2024
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Imamia student organization rally against Karachi university blast

Imamia Student organization (ISO) on Wednesday condemned the blast in Karachi University (KU), and urged the government to immediately take action against the miscreants involved in the bomb blast during Zohar prayers at KU.

They further demanded the government to provide them the separate Mosque to Shia students and staffers inside the Karachi University for prayers and remove the Rangers from Karachi University over their failure to maintain the peace of the University.

These demands were made by the participants of the protest rally organized by ISO at Karachi University to condemn the bomb blast attack on worshippers on yesterday.

The protest rally was took out after the Zohar prayers from the spot of blast to silver jubilee gate were large number of activist and sympathizers of ISO gathered and chanted the slogans against the administration and law enforcement agencies over their failure to control the unlawful activities in Karachi University.

While addressing to the participants the leaders of ISO said that the recent bomb blast was the result of the presence of the outlawed sectarian organizations in the university saying that the main target of the miscreant’s was the activists of ISO.

They also said that the blast ripped off as the activists of ISO stand up to offer noon prayer in the lawn of main cafeteria of the university. They disclosed that the bomb was planted at the worship place of ISO activists, where workers of ISO used to offer the noon prayers daily.
They pointed out that that they have informed the administration of the Karachi University about the extremist elements presence in various student organizations but administration did not take any action and due to their negligence the extremist managed to complete their unlawful act, and create panic and harassment among the student and especially Shia students.

The leaders criticized that a complete wing of rangers deployed in the University has failed to arrest the terrorist involved in terrorists activities and alleged that they are reluctant to provide the security to students and maintaining the law and order situation in the University.

The angry protestor disperse after the peace full protest and hoped that the administration and law enforcement agencies will deploy extra ordinary security measure to foil the conspiracies to destroy the peace of Karachi University.

source : http://abna.ir
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