Friday 3rd of January 2025
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Ali admonishes the audience, refers to Ahlul Bayt

By Allah, I have been taught [by the Prophet (pbuh)] the knowledge:

    to convey the messages,

    to fulfill the promises, and

    to express with eloquence.


We the people of the house [Ahlul Bayt] maintain the doors of wisdom and the authority to govern.


O people!  Look out, for the paths of religion are one, and its highways are forthright.

    The one who follows them will achieve [the aim of heavens] and will secure [his objective to gain heaven].

    As to the one who shuns the way, with certainty he will be in anguish for he will have gone astray.


O people!  Prepare for your Hereafter, work hard for that Day for you will be either well rewarded or in jeopardy of the wrath of the Almighty.

source : ttp://www.islamicbooks.info
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