Wednesday 26th of June 2024
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Greatest global movement for the support of Qudas organized in Cairo

Saeed-ul-Hassan the secretary general of seminar named “the supporters of Qudas” said that a global movement under the supervision of Sheikh Al-Azhar of Egypt has started to break free the seizure of the Muslims and Christians of Qudas, in which Muslim and Christian leaders and representatives of Arab league are participating. It is to be remembered that this movement started on 15th of February. 
Al-Hassan added that the issues like current events of Qudas, Israeli politics working under specific goals, blockage of the roads to Qudas and forceful expel of people living in this city have been reviewed in the sittings of this movement. 

He added that practical programs in support of Qudas, and equipping people to compete with the policies of racialism are to be reviewed in this sitting. 

Palestine Al-Yoam news agency reported that the purpose of organizing this sitting is to organize various programs for the defense of Palestinian territory and its identity and to support the determination of Palestinian nation.

source : http://shabestan.net
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