Friday 10th of January 2025
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The Birth of Zainol Abedin

In accordance with the most reliable narrations, Imam Sajjad(s) was born on Thursday of the significant month of Sha’aban, in the thirty eighth year of Hijraee, two years prior to the martyrdom of Imam Ali(s), in the city of Medina, from a generous father named Hossein(s) and a benevolent mother named Salafeh who was from a noble and deep-rooted household, who was called by Imam Ali(s) as Maryam.

Because of this noble birth and such magnificent roots, Imam Sajjad(s) was nicknamed as “Ibn Al-Kheyratein”.

The leader of the God-believers, the Imam of Gnostics, the pivot of the pious, Imam Ali(s) in praising his wife Salafeh told his son:

وهي اُمُّ الأوصياء الذريّة الطيّبة.

“My son, your mother Salafeh, will be the mother of the Infallible and is the root for a clean generation”

Name, Surname and Nickname of Zainol Abedin

His dearest name is Ali. What is clear from the narrations, Ali was Hossein’s eldest son. Hossein(s) had two other sons by the name of Ali, which were respectively called Ali Akbar, Ali Owsat, And Ali Asghar. [The eldest was Ali Akbar; the middle one was Ali Owsat, and the youngest one was Ali Asghar].

The reason why Hossein(s) gave the name Ali to the three sons of his was his peculiar love towards his honorable father Imam Ali(s). By this selection he wanted to teach his people, the Moslems, a lesson; i.e., to adopt the best and most meaningful names for their children so that when they are called clean, divine features may be associated in the mind of the callers so that through this way a divine spark may strike the caller’s heart.

Due to numerous states, features, characteristics, traits, perfections and ethics, that Imam had a lot of surnames, some of which appears below, and all of which had special meanings and manifestations throughout his life:

Seyyedol Abedin, Zainol Salehin, wareth of Elm Al-Nabiin, Vasiyol Vasiin, Khazen Vasaya Al-Morsalim, Imamol Mo’amenin, Menarol-qanetin wal khashen’in, Motehajjed, Zahid, Ahid, Adl, Sajjad, Bakka’, Zol thafenat, Imamol Ommah, Abol A’emmeh, Habib, Zaki, Amin, and Zainol Abedin.

There are two interesting narrations concerning his nickname “Zainol Abedin”.

1) Omran Ibn Salim says: when zohri narrated a topic from Ali Ibn Hossein, he would say:

“Zainol Abedin narrated that…” Once Sofyan Ibn Oyyaneh asked him, “Why do you call him Zainol Abedin?”

He answered: I heard Sa’eed Ibn Mosayyeb saying that the Prophet said: On the Resurrection Day a caller would call: where is the ornament for the worshippers?”

يُنادي منادٍ: أين زين العابدين؟

“I foresee that my son Ali Ibn Hossein with dignity and prestige will rise among people to reach his special position”.

The same narration is reported in the precious book called Elalol sharaie’ by Saduq who has heard it from Ali Ibn Ibrahim Qommi, from Ibn Abbas, from the God’s Messenger.

2) At the dawn of one morning Imam Zainol Abedin(s) was worshipping God, a love-based invocation, a sincere prayer. Now Satan manifested in a horrifying posture in front of him to disturb the happy moments with his love. That Imam paid no attention to that fearful ghost and continued his bending, standing in worship. Suddenly, he heard a speaker from the invisible world, who cried three times, saying:

you are in fact Zainol Abedin

انت زين العابدين حقّاً.


The Personality of Zainol Abedin(s)

He was elected by God as the fourth shining star in the sky of Imamate to be used as a sample for prosperity both here and in the hereafter by people from all stands of life.

His nephew says: I was encouraged by Fatima, daughter of Imam Hussein(s), to serve Imam Sajjad(s). Whenever I sat next to him, a door to goodness opened up to me. I got awe and reverie towards God inside me because of his reverie towards God inside me because of his reverie towards Allah. I learned a piece of useful knowledge from my association with him(Kashfol Qumme, vol 2, p 246 . ).

Ibn Shahab Zohri says: the best member of Bani Hashem was Imam Zainol Abedin(s).

Saeed Ibn Kolthum says: I was at the presence of Imam Sadiq(s). We talked about Imam Ali(s). The sixth Imam praised Imam Ali(s) in such a way as he deserved it.

Then, he said: He never ate a haram (unlawful, Islamically prohibited ) food up to his last day of life. And he chose the more difficult plan of any two plans for God. Whenever the Prophet met with an accident, he was asked to help him out. Nobody except him could engage in prayers such as the Prophet (s). At the time of action, he looked like a person who was between the paradise and the hell. He hoped for God’s reward and was frightened of His punishment. To satisfy God, he freed one thousand slaves through his hard works. The food of his family members was a mixture of oil, vinegar and dates. His dress was made of canvas. If his clothes sleeves were long he would ask for a pair of scissors to cut them. Among his Household he was unique in dress and jurisprudence(Behar, vol 46, p 75).

A cursory look at the narrations on that Imam and attention to the depth of the invocation received from him will depict the sublime personality and the Godly–based human features of this sample of virtues, truths and genuine prosperity.

Zohri says: when I was with Imam Sajjad (s), we met Abdol Malik Ibn Marvan. The effects of worship on the face of Imam Sajjad (s) caused Marvan’s great surprise.

Marvan told Imam Sajjad (s): From your countenance I can observe the effects of heavy worship. While you have a good record with God and you are part of the body of the Prophet (s) and you enjoy a great amount of virtues, you still engage in worship no less than Prophet, Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hossein (s).

Marvan was engaged in praising Imam Sajjad (s) while the fourth Imam, said: “What you ascribed to me is not mine; rather, it belongs to the mercy and benevolence of God. It is just a manifestation of the great friend’s confirmation. Tell me with what sort of power should I compensate for all this asset? The Prophet continued with his prayers so excessively that his legs used to swell. He engaged so much in fasting that he used to have dried mouth. They asked the Prophet: is it not the case that according to Holy Quran you are pardoned? Then, why so much prayers?

The great Prophet (s) replied: Don’t you want me to be a thankful servant of God? I should thank God for selecting me for worship and he let me come out successful from a difficult exam. I only will thank Him. I swear to God I am not able to thank him for one tenth of all his sustenance and assets he has bestowed upon me even if my limbs go apart and my eyes pop out. I swear to God I will not quit praying him so much so that he may see me day and night like this.

If I did not have to carry the compulsory tasks towards my Household and people in general, I would gaze at the creation all my life so that the Great Allah may know that He is the best commander”. Then Imam Sajjad (s) burst into tears and Abdol Malik too started crying. Then Imam said, “How far is the distance between a Hereafter–seeker and his trial to get at it and the man who concentrates on the world, but lacks everything in the Hereafter”.

Abdollh Mobarik Says: I was going to Mecca when I saw a boy of seven or eight years of age going steadily towards the Harem (Mecca). I asked my self how it was possible for such a young child to cross the deserts to reach to Mecca. I went up to him asking where he was coming from. He said: from God. I asked him where he was headed for, He replied: towards God. I asked him: with whom did you pass this horrible desert? He answered: with the Benevolent God. I asked him where his camel was. He replied: My sustenance is virtue, my camel is my leg, and my objective is the Great Friend. I asked him which tribe he was from. He replied: Motallabi. I asked him who his father was. He replied: I am Hashemid. I told him to be more clear; He answered. I am Alavi, Fatemi. I asked him if he had written a poem. His answer was positive. I asked him to read. He read something with the following content:

“It is us who gather around the Kouthar Spring. We let the qualified thirsty ones drink from it and we will protect them on the Doomsday. Nobody could get to prosperity without our help. Anybody who has connection with us becomes prosperous. One who, through his faith and actions, makes us happy will become delighted. And any one who rose against us in enmity had some problems in his roots. Any one who confiscated our rights would be accountable to God in the Hereafter”.

When he finshed reading this poem, he disappeared. I went to Mecca. I carried out the rituals. On the way back, I saw a group of people sitting on a big circle. I suddenly saw that young man among them. I asked people: who is this ellegant young man? They replied: It is Ali Ibn Hossein (s).

Zainol Abedin’s manners

Like his descent father, Zainol Abedin enjoyed all ethical virtues and was flawless in the areas of mannerism and ethics.

No event could stop him from manifesting God’s traits. No sin was performed by him.

This poor writer referred to all books on narrations and history to find references to this Imam. I will present some of them here. I hope they will help us. These points could be seen in Beharol Anver, A’alamol Din, Kashfol Qemma, Managib of Ibn Shaher Ashub, E’lamol Vera, and Mostadrak Safineh.

source : The land of lovers by professor Ansarian
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