Monday 22nd of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Saudi Wahhabis decide to destroy Prophet Muhammed's tomb and remove his body to an anonymous grave

Saudi Wahhabis decide to destroy Prophet Muhammed's tomb and remove his body to an anonymous grave
One of Islam's most revered holy sites - the tomb of the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) at al-Masjid al-Nabawi mosque - could be destroyed and his body removed to an anonymous grave under plans which threaten to spark discord across the Muslim world. The controversial proposals are part of a consultation document by a leading Saudi academic which has been circulated among the supervisors of al-Masjid al-Nabawi mosque in Medina, where the remains of the ...

Poets visit Imam Reza(A.S.)

Poets visit Imam Reza(A.S.)
A group of the eminent Arab poets in that time visited Ima`m al-Rida`, peace be on him, blessed him, and congratulated him on his undertaking regency. Among them was the great poet, Di'bil al-Khaza`'i, who revolted against oppression and tyranny, expressed the sufferings of the oppressed and the deprived. One of them was the inspired poet, Ibra`him b. al-'Abba`s al-Sawli, the unique poet and proser of the time. And among them was the great poet ...

Reward of Mourning over Imam Hussein’s Martyrdom

Reward of Mourning over Imam Hussein’s Martyrdom
A narration mentioned in the authentic book, Kamil ul Ziyarat, quoting Imam Sadiq (A.S), through his companion Mosama’ states:“O, Mosama’, you are from Iraq. Have you visited the shrine of Hussein? I said: No. I am from Basra and there are great numbers of enemies and hence I am not safe because they may report it to the son of Suleiman. And he may punish me in a manner to be a lesson for others; hence I have been very cautious ...

Justice and Piety of the Holy Imams (A.S.)

Justice and Piety of the Holy Imams (A.S.)
By: Maulana Sayyid Zafar Hasan Amrohi Justice is also included among the four greatest moral virtues. This is also a middle line. If one step even a little above it, it would constitute injustice or oppression. And if one moves even slightly to the bottom, it would be willingness to accept humiliation. Both the above positions are blameworthy. Each of the Holy Imams (a.s) was having this quality, and that too, at the most excellent level. ...

Confident Companions of Imam Husayn

Confident Companions of Imam Husayn
Confident Companions of Imam Husayn   Tabari writes that after the Imam had offered the noon prayers, Zuhyar bin Qayn engaged the enemy. While fighting he continued to say: "I am Zuhayr bin Qayn. I drive the enemies away from my Imam with my sword".   Then he placed his hand on the shoulder of the Holy Imam and said: "Step forward and do not be worried. You are our Divine guide. Why should you be anxious in connection with this ...

Ghadir Tradition: The Expressive Evidence for Guardianship

Ghadir Tradition: The Expressive Evidence for Guardianship
Unprecedented offence!In the open political climate recently established in the country, a number of Sunnite Molavi in the southern parts of the country, have started their offence to the Shiite beliefs (state’s official school) in contrary to their commitment on the issue of solidarity, an example of which is the article with the title of “The legendary of martyrdom of Hazrat Zahra (a.s.)”, which was published in the “Nedaye Islam” ...

Meaning of ‘Nabi’ and ‘Rasul’

Meaning of ‘Nabi’ and ‘Rasul’
By: Sayyid Sa’eed Akhtar RizviThe word ‘Nabi’ (نبي) is derived from ‘Nubuwwat’ (نبوة). ‘Nubuwwat’ means ‘to be high’ and, thus ‘Nabi’means a ‘High person’: high in the presence of Allah, The word ‘Nabi’ shows the exalted position of the prophet which he enjoys in the presence of God. Another interpretation of 'Nabi! is that it is derived from ...

Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) Implemented the Human Rights

Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) Implemented the Human Rights
The whole concept of Human Rights was far away from the minds of the population. Some of the examples were: Burying the girls alive or killing them. Discrimination of the poor by the rich. Torturing. Slavery and many other things. Year of the ElephantThere was a king in Yemen, his name was Abraha. Abraha was jealous because everybody was going to Mecca and not coming to Yemen. Well, Abraha had an idea, he built a beautiful temple in Yemen ...

Signs of Love for Ahl-ul-Bayt

Signs of Love for Ahl-ul-Bayt
Love for Ahl-ul-Bayt is not only a sign of Allah’s love for man but it is also a sign of other truths as follow:First: Based on several narrations, love for Ahl-ul-Bayt is a proof of one’s noble birth. The Holy Prophet is quoted by Imam Ali as saying to Aba-Dharr:يَا أبَا ذَرٍّ! مَنْ أحَبَّنَا ـ أهْلَ الْبَيْتِ ـ فَلْيَحْمِدِ اللهَ عَلَى أوَّلِ النِّعَمِ... ...

Traditions referring to the merits of Hazrat Fatimah (s.a)

Traditions referring to the merits of Hazrat Fatimah (s.a)
Prophet (PBUH) said: "The best of your men is Ali Ibn Abu Talib (a.s), and the best of your women is Fatimah Binte Muhammad." Holy Prophet (PBUH) also reported to have said: "Fatimah is part of me, that which annoys her annoys me, and that which harms her harms me." Fatimah (s.a), the daughter She loved and cared for her father and attended to him when he was ill or injured in one of the battles to defend Islam. After the death of her mother, ...

The Life and Times of Imam Hasan bin Ali (A.S.)

The Life and Times of Imam Hasan bin Ali (A.S.)
Imam Hasan was the eldest son of Fatima Zahra, the daughter of the Prophet of Islam, and Ali bin Abi Talib.Imam Hasan is the second Imam of the followers of Ahl al-Bayt, also known as the Shi'a Imamiyya. He was born on the 15th of Ramadhan in the 3rd year of Hijra. One of his wives, named J'udah binte Ash'ath, poisoned him on Mu'awiyyah's instigation and bribery. He was martyred as a result of that on the 28th day of Safar in the 49th/50th year ...

Which has more reward, reciting the Quran from a hard copy of the Quran, or reading it on a computer screen or on a mobile screen?

Which has more reward, reciting the Quran from a hard copy of the Quran, or reading it on a computer screen or on a mobile screen?
Salamun alaykum, Which has more reward, reciting the Quran from a hard copy of the Quran, or reading it on a computer screen or on a mobile screen? ThanksConcise answerIf it is proved that in common view reciting from the hard copy of the Quran is regarded as different from reciting it on a digital screen, reciting a hard copy earns more reward but it does not seem that such a distinction is drawn out by custom. Hence, there should not be any ...

Warning against Extremism towards Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.)

Warning against Extremism towards Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.)
Imam Ali (AS.): Beware of exaggeration about us. Consider us as slaves of Allah, and fostered by Him, and then say whatever you want on our virtuousness. Imam al-Husayn (A.S.): Love us out of love for Islam, since the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) has said: Do not introduce me more than what I deserve, since Allah, the Almighty had selected me as His servant prior to selecting me as His Messenger. Salih ibn Sahl: I believed in divinity of Imam al-Sadiq ...

Our Opportunity to Obey the Prophet & Imam Ali

Our Opportunity to Obey the Prophet & Imam Ali
we see that people get the opportunity to obey the present Imam even if he misses the time of the previous Imam. People got the opportunity to obey and serve the Imams of their respective times. Similarly we have got the opportunity to obey and serve the 12th Imam (aj).By this we can undo the past errors of the previous generations. We may wonder that Ali (a.s.) cannot be followed directly now because of his absence and the obedience required ...

The Life Imam Hasan Askari (A.S.) in a Glance

The Life Imam Hasan Askari (A.S.) in a Glance
His name is al-Hasan, Abu Muhammad. Being a resident of 'Asgar a suburb of Samarra', he is titled al-Askari. His father was Imam 'Ali An-Naqi (A.S.) and his mother was Salil Khatun, an ideal woman in piety, worship, chastity and generosity. He was born in Medina on the tenth of Rabi' al-Akhir, 232 A.H. (December 4, 846 AD). The Life Imam Hasan Askari (A.S.) in a Glance Upbringing and InstructionHe lived under the care of his respected father ...

Wilayat of Ali (A.S.) is a Strong Fort of Allah Almighty

Wilayat of Ali (A.S.) is a Strong Fort of Allah Almighty
One of the traditions concerning the position of the Shias and the lovers of Ahl ul-Bayt (a.s.) states that the fire of Hell cannot scorch them. Thus, these types of traditions impart strength to our hope. Our love for the Ahl ul-Bayt (a.s.) is certainly a surety for us but it should not tempt us to commit sins blatantly.Shia and MohibThe traditions regarding this subject are based on two important points. The first is concerned with ...

Karbala: The Everlasting Stand

Karbala: The Everlasting Stand
Imam Hussain is buried where he was killed in Karbala, modern day Iraq.What you are about to read is a story of a great man whose uprising has no like in the chronicles of history. A revolution with goals most sublime; a victory most profound; and at its core, a pronouncement of reform over conquest. The story of Hussain, the grandson of the Prophet of Islam, and his ‘Everlasting Stand’.There are many tales of heroism and stands of ...

The Tragedy of Karbala - Part I

The Tragedy of Karbala - Part I
IntroductionThe Commemoration of Imam Hussains ( as ) has been observed by the followers of Ahl al Bayt ( members of the House of the Prophet ( saw ) ) for centuries; yet many Muslims resent it, thinking that this would divide or increase the division of the Muslims. To my understanding this argument is unsound for the following reasons :-- Imam Hussain and his opponent Yazeed are on the opposite ends of the Heavenly Scale. There is no Muslim ...

Fasting: Zakat of the Body

Fasting: Zakat of the Body
Imam Ali (AS): “For everything that you own there is Zakat, and Zakat of your body is fasting.” . (Nahjul- Balagha, Saying 135) The Holy Month of Ramadan is received with great religious fervor in the Islamic world. Religious and social traditions during Ramadan have remained unchanged, linking Muslims of today with their ancestors. The date of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Hejira, vary due to the lunar calendar, falling approximately 11 ...

Hazrat Fatemeh Masoumeh (SA)

Hazrat Fatemeh Masoumeh (SA)
Name: FatimaTitle: MasumahBorn In: Medina, on the first Day of Dhu al-Qa'dah 173 A.H.Father's name: Imam Musa al-Kazim(A.S.)Mother's name: Najma Khatoon mother of Imam Reza (A.S.)Died: at the age 28, in Qum on 10th Rabi al-Thani, 201 A.H.Buried: in the holy shrine in the holy city of QumHADRAT FATIMA MASUMAH (S.A.)Noble Descent:Hadrat Fatima Masumah (S.A.) the Blessed and the Gracious Divine Lady from the Holy Ahlul Bayt (A.S.) was born in the ...