Sunday 22nd of December 2024
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Zainol Abedin enjoyed all ethical virtues

Like his descent father, Zainol Abedin enjoyed all ethical virtues and was flawless in the areas of mannerism and ethics.

No event could stop him from manifesting God’s traits. No sin was performed by him.

This poor writer referred to all books on narrations and history to find references to this Imam. I will present some of them here. I hope they will help us. These points could be seen in Beharol Anver, A’alamol Din, Kashfol Qemma, Managib of Ibn Shaher Ashub, E’lamol Vera, and Mostadrak Safineh.

1) His Meeting With a Quick tempered Man

A man called that Imam names. The Imam did not answer him. Then the man went away. Imam returned to his friends asking them: Did you hear what he told me? Come with me, I will tell you what. I told him in reply.

The crowd said: we will come with you: the Imam started walking, reading this verse:

وَالْكَاظِمِينَ الْغَيْظَ وَالْعَافِينَ عَنْ النَّاسِ وَاللَّهُ يُحِبُّ الْمُحْسِنِينَ.

“And those who restrain their anger and pardon me; and Allah loves the doers of good to others. Quran 3:134”

It became clear to us that Imam did not want to have anything to do with the abuser. Upon arriving at the door of the man, Imam wanted to see him. He said: Tell the house – owner I am Ali Ibn Hossein. The house – owner who was worried about revenge came to the door. Imam said: Some minutes ago you said something regarding me. If I deserve it, I ask God to pardon me. if I do not deserve it, I ask God to pardon you.

The home owner kissed the Imam’s forehead, saying: O son of Prophet (s). What I said can not be found in you. It is me who should be pardoned by Allah.

2) His Behavior Towards the Lepers

He was riding and passed a group of people suffering from Lepresy. Nobody wanted to associate with them.

They were eating lunch, when they saw the Imam, they invited him to their food.

He said: If I were not fasting, I would come and eat with you. When he arrived at home, however he ordered special food for them and then invited all of them and sat beside them, eating the food.

Let us like the Sire of believers, the Pride of the Devotees, help those helpless ones, treat amicably towards those deprived of any kindness and the needy ones. Let us be knowledgeable in the school of these lovers of the absolute Beauty for the rest of our lives.

3) Imam’s Speial Pardoning of the Deposed Governor–general

Hesham Ibn Ismaeel was appointed as the governor general of Medina by Abdol Malik Marvan.

This position led him to excessive pride, and tyranny.

And injustice. He committed unlawful crimes. One of the people who was hurt by him most was Imam Zainol Abedin (s).

When he was deposed, the new governor general called, Valid, got duty of fastening the previous governor to a column so that every person could retaliate him.

People heard him say that he was worried of Imam Zainol Abedin because he had suffered the most.

Imam ordered his followers not to trouble him. Then he went to see Hesham, telling him, I am worried about you, my cousin. What ever you need tell me. I will make it ready. Hesham shouted:

اَلله ُاَعْلَمُ حَيْثُ يَجْعَلُ رِسالَتَهُ.

“God knows where to put his message”.

4) I am secure from you

Once he called one of his servants twice. He refused to answer. At the third calling he answered; Imam asked the reason for not answering the first two calls. He said:

O son of Prophet: I was safe from your punishment. The fourth Imam started thanking Allah: O God! I thank you that my servants feel safe with me.

5) Where is the Source of All of This Kindness

There were many poor families in Medina who were supplied with their needs, but did not know what the source was. When Zainol Abedin(s) got martyred, all those plans were out of order. Then these families understood the source of their food and clothing.

6) I Will Pay Your Debts

Zaid Ibn Osame Ibn Zaid started crying at his death - bed. Imam Zainol Abedin(s) was watching him and asked him for the reason. He answered: I owe people fifteen thousand Derhames. What I possess will not cover my debts however. Imam replied: I will pay all of your debts. Stop weeping because now you owe nobody anything. Then he paid the man’s debts and rescued him in this way.

7) On the Way to the Mosque

On a cold night one of his slaves saw him on the way to the mosque while having new dress and a fur turban on and having used fragrance. He asked: master, where are you going at this time of the night? He answered: I am going to the mosque of my grand – father to marry Hurol ‘Ein.

How elegant it is for Moslems to go to Mosque with the best of their dresses and best kind of fragrance. They will become delighted in this way and the cleanliness of the mosque will be observed as well.

8) Legal Sustenance is God’s Alms to Servants

To earn his sustenance, he used to leave home early every morning. When they asked him where he was going so early in the morning, he used to answer: I am going to give alms to my wives. They surprisingly would ask him: alms? He would answer: yes, what is earned through legal means is God’s alms to servants.

9) I Love to Obey Absolutely

Imam Sajjad(s) says: I severely got sick. My father, Hossein (s) told me: what do you need? I answered: I wish not to put any duty on to God for myself. He will do for me anything that He deems advisable. I love to obey Him absolutely. My father said, well done, now you are like Ibrahim Khalil. When he was going to be put on fire, Jibrael asked him what he wanted. He answered: I will not appoint any task for God. I am happy with Allah. He is my best protector all my life.

10) A Lovely Story

One day his woman servant was pouring water from a pitcher on his hands to perform his ablution. Due to her lack of attention, the pitcher fell from her hands and hurt Imam’s forehead.

Imam rose his head. The servant said: God says:

وَالْكَاظِمِينَ الْغَيْظَ.

“Those who restrain their anger” Imam said, “I restrained my angers”

The servant said:

وَالْعَافِينَ عَنْ النَّاسِ.

“and pardon men”. Imam said, “I pardoned you. “The servant said,

 اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُحْسِنِينَ.

“And Allah loves the doers of good to others” Imam said, “you are free for God’s sake.3:134”

11) A Very Strange Story

Imam Sadiq (s) says: There was a dissolute, wandering man in Medina who made people laugh with his strange and funny behaviors.

One day when Ali Ibn Hossein (s) with two of his servants were walking, the man followed the Imam to perform a joke. He took away the Imam’s cloak in front of people, and ran away. Then he come back giving the cloak back to Imam. Taking no notice of him, Imam asked his servant who he was. They told him: He is a joker who makes people laugh. Imam said: Tell him: There is a day for God in which the wrongdoers are at loss.

12) A Marveous Event

Imam Sadig (s) says: Imam Sajjad (s) in his journeys tried to remain unknown and used to carry out some tasks like other passengers.

Once, he went on a journey with a caravan. He helped them and did his job. Somebody among the travellers recognized him. He asked others whether they know that gentleman. They said “no”.

The man said; he is Ali Ibn Hossein (s). They gathered around him, kissing his hands and feet. They told him: “Did you want us to be punished by God? What could we do if we had accidentally hurt you? We would badly suffer, then”.

Imam Sajjad (s) said: Once I traveled with a caravan. They recognized me.

For the Prophet’s sake they went to extremes in treating me, which I did not deserve. Then, I was deprived of the right to help them. This time, I did not want to repeat the last time’s event. I like this trip, better.

13) This is the True Kindness and Justice

Zainol Abedin (s) at the time of his death told his son, Imam Baqir (s): I went to hajj twenty times with my camel. Never did I strike it with the whip once. When it dies, bury it in a place so that the savage beasts will not tear it up. This is because the Prophet (s) has announced: A camel which arrives at the station Arafat, is of the heaven’s assets and God will give abundance to its breed. When the camel died, Imam Baqir (s) carried out what he had been told.

14) This is the Extreme Benevolence

Imam Sadiq (s) has said: When Imam Zainol Abedin (s) went on fasting on a day, he used to ask his servants to slaughter a sheep and put it in a big pot. He used to enjoy the smell of the baking sheep. When it was near the breaking time of the fast (Iftar), he used to order for some trays to be ready. Then he used to send each portion of it to different houses. He used to break his fasting with a loaf of bread and some dates, however.

15) Helping the Needy

Imam Baqir (s) says: When dark covered every where, my father, Imam Sajjad (s), used to carry a leather bag filled with supplies of food and distributed it among the needy proportionate with their needs. But he used to cover his face so that he would remain unknown.

When he was given Qosl at his death, the black traces of that big leather bag were seen on the skin of his shoulders.

16) Disregard for Worldly Ornaments

Imam Sadiq (s) says: He had woolen dress but when he wanted to engage in prayers, he used to put on rough dresses. He would not deliver it on rugs or on special prayer – cloth. His prostration was on the ground. He used to go to the Jabban Mountain, near Medina, and would sit on a burning stone. In his lovely and Gold – ly – based prostration he used to weep so much that when he rose from it, it looked as if his face was droned in the water.

17) Beside the Holy Quran

Imam Sajjad (s) has said:

لَوْ ماتَ مَنْ بَيْنَ المَشْرق وَ المَغْرب لَمَا اَسْتَوْحَشْتُ بَعْدَ اَنْ يَكونَ الْقرآنُ مَعي.

“If all people died in the East and West, and if I were alone on the Earth, I would not fear anything since I am fond of Qoran and I am familiar with this huge source benevolence.”[1]

18) A Huge Miracle Related to Imam Sajjad’s Behavior

Iqbal, which is the best book on supplication and invocation by Seyyed Ibn Tavus reports from Imam Sadiq (s):

When the holy month of Ramathan arrived, Imam Sajjad(s) would never punish any of his man–slaves or woman–slaves. If one of them committed a wrong action, there was a note book on which these wrong actions or short–comings got recorded. He would never show disrespect to his servants during this month.

When the last night of Ramathan arrived, Imam would gather all of them around him – self and opened up the book on which the wrong – doings were recorded. Then he called each servant with his or her special wrong – doing. He would tell each of them: you have committed this wrong – doing and you were not punished for it. Do you remember? They would say: yes, the son of the Prophet (s).

When he had the confession of all, he would ask them to repeat after him:

“O son of Hossein Ibn Ali: your God has recorded every action of yours as you have written our mistakes and short–comings in this book. The book which is with God tells the truth. Every big and small sin is written there and you will see justice on that special day as we see the record of our activities here in this book, now!

“O son of Hossein Ibn Ali, frogive us and pardon us as you wish God might forgive and pardon you. As you are the lover of God’s pardon and are looking for that source of benevolence, please let us enjoy your pardon and blessing.

“O son of Hossein Ibn Ali! Remember your misery in front of the Great Love, that Sacred Being who is wise and knowing and will not do the weight of seed of injustice to anybody. He will weigh the actions of the servants and will witness that they have been done. Come and forgive us at a night like this and disregard our wrong–doings because God has said:

وَلْيَعْفُوا وَلْيَصْفَحُوا أَلَا تُحِبُّونَ أَنْ يَغْفِرَ اللَّهُ لَكُمْ.

“They should pardon and run away. 24: 22”

Do you not love that Allah should forgive you?

He used to express words and inculcated his man–servants and woman – servants and used to shed tears, and cried, telling Allah:

“O God! you ordered me to forgive those who did us wrong; we pardoned them. Therefore, you forgive us, too, since in pardoning you are the first.

“O God! you commanded us not to turn away the beggars from our homes. Now we ourselves have come begging to your home. We are looking for your blessing and benevolence. Please do not send us away hopeless.”

He used to supplicate with God in this manner and continued weeping. Then he turned to his servants, telling them:

“I forgave you. Will you forgive me? I was not a good Lord for you. You saw my bad behaviors. I am not a good Lord”.

They would reply: “Our sire, although we saw nothing bad of you, we will forgive you.”

Then Imam Sajjad(s) would ask them to chant the following invocation:

“O God! Please forgive Hossein’s son, as he has forgiven us. Save him from the Hell fire, as he has made us free.” The man-servants and woman- servants used to chant this invocation and Imam (s) would say: “All of you are free. I set you free to reach God’s pardon and freedom from chastisement”. Then, he would summon them on the festival day of Fiter and helped them each so much as not to be in need.

Each year he did the same, freeing about twenty of his servants and would say: “God at Ramathan at the time of breaking the fasting (Iftar) pardons seventy thousand wrong–doers and when the last night of Ramathan comes, He sets free from the fire equal to the month of Ramathan. I like God to put me on this schedule so that I may get free.”

Of course, it did not make any difference for him at that time he had bought the slaves. What was important for him was to set them free at the last night of Ramathan, although the time of their service to Imam was rather short.

He would carry out this magnificent program each year, and continued till he reached the Great Friend.

19) A Marvellous Program

One of Zainol Abedin’s cousins was financially in trouble. Imam Abedin(s) would take him money at night without being recognized. The cousins would spread the rumor that Ali Ibn Hossein does not have any family relation with me and does not observe the family ties. He would curse him. Imam used to hear but preferred to remain silent. When Imam (s) passed away, the cousin found out the truth. He would sit by the Imam’s grave, crying for hours, from then on.

20) Imam Sajjad’s Devine Character

One day he was walking with some of his servants. A man called him names. The servants rushed at him, but Imam stopped them. The Imam came up to the man, saying: if you need any thing, let me know. The man got ashamed. Imam gave him his own clock and ordered his servants to pay him one thousand Derhams. The man was then, saying: “I witness you are from the Prophets’ house hold.”

21) A Sample of the Greatest Perseverance

A guest arrived at Zainol Abedin’s home. When a servant was taking hot meal in a tray and hurried downstairs, the tray went off his hand pouring the hot meal on one of the Imam’s children, killing him at once. The slave was in a terrible state of mind but Imam said: “You did not do it on purpose; you are free for God”.

22) The Best sample of Virtues

Imam Baqir (s) says: my father sent his servant for a job. But he delayed. Imam whipped him once. The servant said “O son of Hossein, you appoint me work and then hit me”. Imam burst into tears, saying: “O Mohammad Ibn Ali, my dear son, go to the Prophet’s tomb and pray and say: O God, please forgive Ali Ibn Hossein on the Doomsday”. Then he freed the slave for God. Abu Basir says: I asked Imam: “Is freedom the punishment for whipping only once?” Imam did not answere, however.

23) An Abudance more Peculiar than two Loaves of Bread

“Kemaloddin and Tamamol Ne’ma” are two of Saduq’s books. He reports from Zohri: I was at Imam’s presence when one of Imam’s friends arrived. Imam asked him: “What is the news?” He replied: “Let me first tell you about myself. I owe somebody four hundred Dinars. I have nothing to pay him back. I have a big family; I can not support them”. Imam burst into tears. I said to the Imam: crying is for great sorrows. Everybody else said the same thing.

Imam (s) answered: “Is there any thing more disasterous than seeing your brother in need and not being able to fix it up?” The session was over. The hypocrites, hearing the news, started backbiting, saying: “How strange it is! These Imams claim that the sky and the earth are obedient to them and God will Satisfy their needs. Now they confess that they can not solve their brother’s problems!”

The wretched man heard these non-senses and went to meet the Imam, saying: “The sarcasm of the enemy hurts me more than my poverty”. Imam (s) said: “God has opened up a way for your difficulty”. Then he called one of his servants; telling him: “Go fetch my food for the breaking of the fast”. The servant brought him two loaves of barley bread too hard to eat. Imam said: “Take these two loaves of bread. God has put abundance in these loaves for you.” The man took the loaves telling himself: “What have these got to do with my condition?” Satan was tempting him to cast doubt over the whole business. He was thinking hard when he arrived at the market. He exchanged one loaf with a pale and stale fish and another loaf with some salt. He went home, then. When he opened up the fish, he found two pearls there. He and his children thanked God for this great asset. At that time both the fisher and the salt–seller came up to his house, telling him the loaves of bread were impossible to eat. They told him: “Let your family enjoy the fish and the salt.”

When the fisher and salt–seller went, Zainol Abedin’s servant came up to the man, telling him: “O man! God opened up your puzzle but Imam Sajjad has ordered us to take back the two loaves of bread since no body except us could eat them.

The man sold the pearls and could pay off his debts. Now people started telling nonsense once again: “At one occasion he can not solve the man’s problem; at another occasion he has made this man so needless.” When this was heard by Imam, he answered: “People used to utter such nonsense’s behind the back of the Prophet (s), as well. People said how the Prophet could have gone from Mecca to Jerusalem in one night, while the distance between Mecca and Medina was twelve days, let alone the distance between Mecca and Jerusalem”. Imam, then, said: “People are ignorant about us. They do not know that this position is given to us because of our absolute obedience to God. The God’s men are so patient in the face of misery that nobody can excel them. There fore, God, the Almighty, has opened up all doors of abundance to them”. He continued: “Lovers of God do not wish for anything except the things which God wants.”

I had the desire to refer to some sections of Imam Sajjad’s distinguished and highly valuable remarks and statements. However any section of his speeches which I referred to in Behar, vol.78, Kashfol Qomme, second volume, A’alamol Din of Deylami, and Tohafol Oqul and Mohajjatol Beiza’, and Mostadrak Safineh, and the precious book called wesa’el, Khesal, by Sheikh Saduq and Tafsir Borhan and Tafsir Nurossaqalein and other books on narrations, I found out that narrating those heavenly statements with no description or interpretation would be of no use. This is because our readers will not get anything out of these sentences on their own. Then, I thought, I could describe the invocations of Sahifeh Sajjedieh and make use of Imam’s Statements there. This would be, I am sure, of more benefit to our readers. At the end of this topic, I have to readers. At the end of this topic, I have to refer to the story of Farzadaq, the poet, who in his confrontation with Hesham, the cruel man, revealed the heavenly personality of Imam.

The Forty sixth volume of Behar, narrates from twenty two famous sources that Hesham Ibn Abdol–Malik came to Mecca for pilgriinage. The crowd was so dense he could not touch the Stone. He stood on a high place, letting those wretched mercenaries go around him as if they went around great stone. At this time Zainol Abedin(s) arrived on the scene. When people saw him they gave him way to cross to get near the Stone. Somebody from Syria asked Hesham who he was. He said he did not know. Farzadaq shouted that he knew him. The Syrian asked “who is it?” Farzadaq wrote a beautiful elegy spontaneously in praise of Imam Sajjad on the spot. The content of this beautiful piece of poetry is reserved by Jami, the great Iranian poet.

Hesham become very angry over this praise on Imam Sajjad (s). And upon insulting Farzadaq, he imprisoned him at a place between Mecca and Medina and cut off his salary. Imam Sajjad (s), sent him twelve thousand Derhams to compensate for it and even apologized that it was not sufficient. The poet, being a greedless and free man, refused to accept it, saying: “I respect you a lot, and I believe in you. I wrote this poem out of my love for you, not for money”. But, Imam Sajjad (s) convinced him that he should receive the gift.

Molla Mohammad Taghi Majlessi, the writer of Behar, in the description of Man la Yahzor tells us a sweet story concerning this poem by Jami.

A person in one of Jami’s sessions said: “A woman saw Farzadaq, the poet, in her dream. She asked him about his condition. Farzadaq replied that God had forgiven him for the elegy that he had written”. Jami, them, said: “All human beings deserve to be forgiven by God because of this elegy”.[2]

[1] Kafi vol 2, p 602

[2] introduction to Jamis collection of poetry p 201 

source : The land of lovers by Professor Hossein Ansariann
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