Wednesday 26th of June 2024
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UK School Bars Muslim Mother Over Niqab

 “My son has been at the college for the past two years and I have been in there twice wearing the veil without any problems,” Maroon Rafique, 40, told on Sunday, June 24.

Donning face veil over the past seven years, the Muslim mother of two had to suffer repeated troubles in the streets.

She faced the worst situation when she was told by her sons’ school reception staff that all visitors to the campus had to keep their faces visible for safety reasons.

“This time though one of the women at the reception saw me and said ‘I’m sorry but you have to remove your veil to go to this meeting because it’s college policy’” Rafique, of Whalley Range, said.

“I offered to sit at the back or at the front, anywhere where I wouldn’t be seen, if they thought I was going to offend anyone,” she added.

At this moment, the Muslim mother found no other option but to telephone her husband to ask him to come to Manchester College and speak with tutors about the progress of her son Awais, 18.

Islam sees hijab as an obligatory code of dress, not a religious symbol displaying one’s affiliations.

Scholars, however, believe that it is up to women to decide whether to take on the face veil.

source : http://www.abna.ir
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