Friday 15th of November 2024
نفر 0



Question: What games are haram to play?
Answer: Playing in gambling tools, such as chess, dominoes, backgammon, and betting on them is haraam; even playing chess and backgammon [and the like] without betting is haraam.


Question: Is selling gambling tools allowed?
Answer: Selling gambling tools and equipments and instruments of forbidden amusement, such as violin, is haraam.


Question: Some permissible games use dice in them. So is it allowed to play with it?
Answer: If the dice is not from the tools that are exclusively for gambling, then there is no problem in using it in non-gambling games.


Question: Is it permissible to play games of chance of all kinds on electronic machines (computers) without betting or with betting?
Answer: It is not permissible, and it is treated the same as normal [non-electronic] gambling instruments.
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