Saturday 14th of September 2024
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Giving letters in trust

Imam Hussein (a), at the last night, wrote the letters in which he had decided to inscribe to people or groups.  The enemy had laid siege to them so Imam Hussein (a) gave letters in trust to be sent at the right time.  One written to the people of Kufah was amongst letters in which Imam (a) addressing their misery at the night of decision, speaks to them and reminds them of real grounds for their misery.

However, it is the time to decide. Imam Hussein (a), willingly, is going to breathe his last. He views his destiny and that of his youth as linked to a fate, although the fate is against them. Despite the fact that he is going to depart this life, Imam Hussein (a) stands his ground in advising the miserable people of Kufah. On the Next day, in the field of battle, addressing men from Kufah Imam Hussein (a)restated the contents of that very same letter, it was modified slightly however.

Taht AL Oghoul says, “Imam Hussein (a) left for Kufah, however he lost his hope on his arrival when he caught sight of the people’s hopeless faces. Therefore, he wrote a letter to them . The words in the letter are not unlike that of a lecture given by Imam (a) at noon of Ashura. Occasions and instances in the text (of letter) indicate the time of writing.  The content is also suggesting that Imam Hussein (a) has written the letter later than he has decided for resistance. On the day of Ashura to get a chance to write, a letter seems unlikely. As a result, it is inferred that Imam (a) has written the letters on the last eve to be read after his martyrdom. From Hussein (a) to Mohammad Hanafiyeh, his brother and other people in Bani Hashem tribe (the children of Hashem) is another letter written on the last night. Different from his enlarged-upon letter to people of Kufah, in this letter, Imam Hussein (a) suffices it to write just a single line and no more.  The content of his one-line letter brings this fact to the mind that writer has departed from living in this world. Certainly, Hussein has found himself living in the eternal palace in the other world. He, therefore like a passenger at the end of the line gets this world off his chest and gives his heart to the other world. A tight schedule does not back Imam to write more than one line for those who have remained.

Imam’s mercy and compassion prevail over Man’s toleration, otherwise he would not have written a single word for remaining ones. The Imam of salvation wrote a letter, however. In this regard, there is an in-detailed quotation from  Kamel  Al zeyaarah quoting from Mohammad Ebn Amrv who, in turn, quotes from  Keraam  Abdulkarim Ebn Amrv quoting from Maisar Ebn Abdulaziz quoting from Abu Jaffar (a) who  has  stated ”From Karbala, Hussein Ebn Ali (a) wrote a letter to Mohammad Ebn Ali”. 



The letter includes only this single line

In the name of Allah, the most compassionate, the most merciful

From Hussein Ebn Ali to Mohammad Ebn Ali and other members of Bani Hashem (tribe) with him:

“It seems that this world had never been living, the world afterlife had been living for ever, however. Peace be upon you”.

Imam Hussein (a) folded this letter and gave in trust either. He also gave back the things which he had held in trust.  The content together with the occasions in the letters suggest that they had been written later than Imam (a) had made up his mind to resist, a remembering of the night to Ashura scarcely ever can be found, although.  In the mind of readers, a question may be brought forth to consider : On the next day in which many difficulties will arise, all properties will be stolen and every single thing will be plundered, who would keep Imam Hussein’s letters in safe and look after them?

In our book, at the night to Ashura, Imam Hussein (a) had given letters to his daughter Fatemeh, who is of a noble descent, to keep them in safe. Imam (a), On the spur of the moment, made the best decision to give them in trust to his daughter because Fatemeh had married to Hassan Masna who, in the enemy’s army, his maternal relatives especially his maternal uncles were of significant number and position, either. Because of kinship, in the battle of Ashura, when Masna found himself submerged in blood, his relatives in Yazid’s army rescued his Half-dead body from the field. They healed his wounds in Kufah. After medical treatment, they took Masna to Medina.  It is quoted that:  at the 11th night at the close of Ashura, Masna’s relatives, for his sake, saved the sanctuary of his wife (Fatemeh Ebn Hussein) and watched over her. Omar Ebn Saad who was filled with the terror of their rebellion , turned a blind eye to them.        

In his book titled “Nafs Al Mahmoom”, Mohadeth Moaser Qomi has quoted from Abi Jaffar who had stated, “When Hussein Ebn Ali made up his mind to fight, demanded the presence of his eldest daughter (Fatemeh as Hossein’s daughter). Imam (a) then gave her a writing folded in a roll together with his unfastened testament (will). Imam (a) also gave his daughter some more writings and letters in trust. despite Ali Ebn Hussein was sick and laid-up, he had been eyeing them by their side. Enemy was aware of his disease; Fatemeh gave every single letter to Ali Ebn Hussein (a), therefore. From that time on, we’ve received the letters”.


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