Wednesday 8th of January 2025
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The Entire People are Sahaba

Unanimously, Mohammed's advocacy resulted in establishing the state led by him for about a decade. During this period, he (peace be upon him and his family) planted regulations of the Islamic political system and clarified thoroughly the belief of Islam by applying the total hypotheses that led to propounding the general spirit of Islam.

Constitutionally, any government consists of people, a province on which those people settle and a power policing those people. Pursuant to bn‌Hajar Al‌Asqalani's definition of the Sahaba, the following two points are bases on which a Sahabi is considered:

1. Meeting the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) by associating, talking or viewing him. He whomever saw or was seen by the Prophet, including unweaned babies, is regarded as a Sahabi.

2. Believing in prophesy of Mohammed (peace be upon him and his family.)

Considering bn‌Hajar's opinion, it is obligatory to scrutinize everyone's creed. This matter, still, is out of humans' capacity. Al‌Asqalani should have discriminated between real and ostensive believing. Abdullah‌bn‌Ubey, for instance, is one of the Sahaba agreeingly. Yet, he is chief of the hypocrites. The Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) addressed at those who suggested that Abdullah would be crucially killed: “I swear we are to respect his accompanying us as long as he is among us.”[12] Abdullah‌bn‌Abi‌Sarh, as another example, was the Prophet's registrar, but he forged lies against the Prophet who, as a penalization, legalized killing him whenever found even hanging to curtains of Ka'ba. At conquest of Mecca, Othman interceded to gain cancellation of that decision. Hence, that man embraced Islam for saving his soul. Such an individual is undiscussibly a Sahabi.[13] The same is said about Al‌Hakam‌bn‌Al‌Aas who had been banished by the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family.) After the Prophet's decease, the man asked Abu‌Bakr and Omar respectively to annul the Prophet's decision. They rejected his demand. Othman, when became the caliph, allowed him to be in Al‌Madina with full honor and dignity. As a compensation, he gifted him one hundred thousand dirham, as he was a Sahabi.[14]

Briefly, it is not a condition to regard the real believing in the Prophet's mission in consideration of the Prophet's companionship. It is acceptably sufficient to dissemble to be believing in him or keep such a pretense all the lifetime since the Prophet does not care for the hidden on any. Hiddens, however, is God's concern!

[12] bn‌Sa'd's At‌Tabaqat, part.2 page56, and our An‌Nidhamus‌Siyasi Fil‌Islam page103.


[13] bn‌Quteibeh's Al‌Me'arif, pages 131 and 141.


[14] bn‌Quteibeh's Al‌Me'arig, pages 45 and 131, and our An‌Nidhamus‌Siyasi Fil‌Islam page232 and on.

Totally, everybody had the opportunity to meet the Prophet through the solicitation, government, battles, declaration of fealty, ritual pilgrimage and Visitations, especially the Welfare Pilgrimage, and the complete domination of the Arab Peninsula. All of citizens of Mecca and At‌Ta'if declared their being Muslims and witnessed the Farewell Pilgrimage with the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family). that was in 10A.H. The same could be said about tribes of Aws and Khazraj. Hence, when the Prophet was dead, no single individual was showing disbelieving in his mission.[15] Babies, as their fathers used to take them to the Prophet for seeking blessing, became Sahaba according to the fact that the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) had seen them. Reports appertained to this matter are many. (Babies were taken to the Prophet for seeking blessings.) (Whenever a baby was born, it would be taken to the Prophet.)[16]

The authentic reports regarding the Prophet’s being wont to walk in streets, during his leading the government he had established, without being accompanied by any guardian or the like, and wont to practice his activities himself, lead to the inevitable fact that every citizen in his state had full option to see, communicate and attend at any meeting he held. This means that the entire citizens could meet, see, hear and sit with their president.

The other Islamic sects agree with Sunnis on the lexical and terminological meanings of Sahaba. They differ with them on significance of qualifications of decency. While Sunnis generalize and unexceptionally decide the entire Sahaba as decent, the other sects figure certain justifiable prerequisites and topical qualifications for decency. Decency is imputed to those individuals who enjoy such prerequisites and qualifications only. Depending on evidences elicited from Book of God and the Prophet's traditions, they rule of those who do not enjoy such prerequisites and qualifications as indecent.

[15] bn‌Hajar Al‌Asqalani's Al‌Isabetu Fi Tamyizis‌Sahaba, page16.


[16] bn‌Hajar Al‌Asqalani's Al‌Isabetu Fi Tamyizis‌Sahaba, page7.

source : http://www.maaref-foundation.com
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