Tuesday 10th of September 2024
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The Mystery of Hazrat Fatimah’s Grandeur and Eternity

The Mystery of Hazrat Fatimah’s Grandeur and Eternity

Fatimah (peace be upon her) is grand and eternal on the account that she has been united with Allah. She has absorbed herself in His.
She is greater than the great, because she is acquainted with Allah, who is the greatest, and she is eternal forever until Doomsday, because she is acquainted with the Eternal.

Fatimah (peace be upon her) is a woman, whose grandeur cannot be inserted in expression and words, because we cannot analyze the infinite with our finite conception. When she is called "Sedigheh"‌ [truthful], it is different from the Sedigheh, applied to others; all her members of body and thought are truthful. It is impossible to describe her grandeur through writing, speaking, and hearing, because all her attributes are in full and infinity. Her faith, her morals, devotion, soul elevation, grandeur, knowledge all are in utmost perfection.

Satisfaction and obedience of Allah:

Fatimah (peace be upon her) is Allah's real follower, and her exalted purpose and ambition are to satisfy Him and seeks for a way to achieve to this end without any shadow of doubt.

This is Fatimah's viewpoint that Allah has superiority over all things and everyone. Thus, she has accepted His bondage of servitude. She is seeking for Allah and His satisfaction in her speech, action, and all her life. This is pride that the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) knows her satisfaction His satisfaction and her way as the way of God, the Almighty.

Fatimah (peace be upon her) as a measure:

Scales is an instrument for measuring and the facts are assessed by it. In materialism, for measuring goods, volume, weight, and a period of time, the special measuring instruments are utilized. In spirituality, measuring is possible through samples and symbols.

For instance, the level of somebody's understanding is measured through comparison with an intelligent person; the level of somebody's piety is measured through comparison with a pious person; the level of somebody's intelligence and talent is measured through comparison with a talented and bright person; and the level of somebody's generosity and humanity is measured through comparison with a generous person.
Fatimah (peace be upon her) is a complete measure for evaluating the ladies' deeds, and according to the infallible, "she is measure"‌. Fatimah's spirit power, unique courage, elevated thoughts, and excellent dispositions are all and all measures and samples. Her chastity, piety, faith, nobility, honor, housekeeping, rearing the children, abstinence from sublunary luxury, material and spiritual aspects and even her death are all measures for us.

In the history of the women world, we do not know a woman like her to be the measure and sample. All Fatimah's attributes make her more adorned than others and give a distinguished face to her.

Fatimah (A.S), the Cause of Continuation of the Prophetic Mission:

It is her clean and pure womb that can be the source of grace and the origin of light and the originator of eleven clean offspring, who are the Prophet's successors and continuance of the Prophetic mission from generation to generation.

It was not haphazard that the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) knew Fatimah's wrath his wrath and her torment or satisfaction his torment or satisfaction. He said, "those, who make Fatimah (peace be upon her) happy, have made me happy, and those who tease her, have in fact teased me."‌

Yes, she was the continuance of the Prophetic mission, and made any kind of endeavour to promote the Islamic teachings along with Ali (peace be upon him). As a trustful trustee, she went to the companions' houses at night and delivered them an ultimatum. She explained them that Ali is with right, and right is with Ali (peace be upon him), and if they do not adapt it, they must answer back to Allah. She wanted the people to know that what a big crime they would commit if they negate Ali's (A.S) right and what undesired future they would expect.

Fatimah (peace be upon her) is the continuance of the Prophetic mission. She is Ali's witness and assistance. She confirms his speeches, and tried to prove his claims, and in this way, she is not afraid of the door stroke, causing damages on her body, and as a result miscarriage. Even the enemy's whips cannot stop her from defending Ali; the martyrdom and death in Allah's way cannot prevent her from continuing the Prophetic mission.

She is the continuance of the Prophetic mission, because she has managed to rear a generation that were the preservers of the religion the Karbala mission that was the continuance of the Prophetic mission.

She is the continuance of the Prophetic mission, because Imamate, the continuation of Prophethood, belongs to her generation, and Imam Mahdi (may God hasten his reappearance), who will defend Fatimah's purpose will rise to revive Islam.

How did this way of Prophetic mission continue and what happened to her offspring, who were the followers of the Prophet and Ali (peace be upon him)? Prison, torture, homelessness, banishment, stroke of sword, poison, separation from dynasty and children were some of the hardships they suffered in the way to achieve their holy end.


source : www.tebyan.net
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