Sunday 22nd of December 2024
نفر 0

Due to temporary filtering of Telegram app, follow the latest articles and tips of Professor Ansarian in Soroush messenger.

Due to the fact that the Telegram App has been temporarily filtered, you can follow the latest articles of Professor Ansarian Soroush messenger.

Those who are enthusiastic to follow the speeches, articles and unique tips of Professor Ansarian, they can easily follow them in Soroush messenger.

Below is the address and ID of professor Ansarian's Channel in Soroush messenger.


ID: @ostad_ansarian

In case the enthusiasts do not have the Soroush messenger, they can easily download this application from the following links:

Download Android version https://android.sapp.ir

Download the desktop version of http://windows.sapp.ir

source : erfan.ir
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