Sunday 23rd of June 2024
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God has guaranteed man’s provisions

God has guaranteed man’s provisions

Human beings are always worried about their provisions, while in three different stages, God has already sent our provisions. It is not fair to suspect God. The first stage is when man is in his mother's womb wherein nothing can hurt him and God sends his provisions. The second stage is infancy. While human beings are weak in infancy, their food is provided by mother's milk who is also there to look after him without any expectation. The third stage is after infancy when man's provisions are provided by parents and he receives their kindness and compassion. Even they consider him more important than themselves. When man attains adolescence and grows up and works for himself, the situation gets worse for those who do not trust in God. Such people suspect God, deny themselves and their family members the financial rights and make problems for themselves their family members. All the above is for the fear of probable lessening of provisions in addition to lack of trust in God.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), addressing two sons of Khalid, says "Until your head is moving, don't worry about your provisions, since man is born with weak skin and uncovered. Then God provides him all his provisions."‌

If we believed in God and trusted in Him, we would conduct a comfortable life.

If we were sure enough that nobody had the ability to reduce our provisions and no power could hinder it, then we would feel comfortable and live without stress. Hence we would enjoy our life.
Imam Ali (A.S) says: "Those who are sure that nobody could take away what God has assigned to them, their hearts will remain tranquil."‌

Abane Ibn Hamran says: Once a person came to Imam Sadiq (A.S) and said: preach me with your wise sayings. Imam Sadiq (A.S) said: "If God is your breadwinner, why are you upset?"‌

Provisions are distributed during man's lifespan.


source : www.tebyan.net
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