Thursday 7th of November 2024
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Shia, Sunni Scholars' Meeting Planned in Quetta

Shia, Sunni Scholars' Meeting Planned in Quetta

Abulfadhl Husseini, in charge of the center said that the program has been planned to commemorate the auspicious occasion on September 7.

He added that the Iranian center has organized various programs for Karamat ten-day festival beginning with the birthday anniversary of Hazrat Ma'soumeh (SA), sister of Imam Reza (AS).

A seminar titled "Virtuous Lady of Ahl-ul-Bayt (AS), Role-Model for Muslim Girls" was held by the center on August 28.

Addressed by prominent lecturers of seminary and universities of Pakistan, the seminar was highly welcomed by Muslim girls and women of the region.

The lecturers were selected from among the scholars educated at Iranian seminary schools and mastered Islamic sciences.

A competition titled "Karimah of Ahl-ul-Bayt (AS)", choral singings and theaters were other programs held by the center on the birthday anniversary of Hazrat Ma'soumeh (SA).

The Iranian center has also cooperated with different centers and mosques of Quetta to celebrate the ten days.

It is going to host the meeting of Shia and Sunni scholars of the country who would take the opportunity to exchange their views regarding the character and virtues of Imam Reza (AS).


source : www.abna.ir
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