Sunday 30th of June 2024
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Another Shia martyred by terrorists in Karachi

Another Shia martyred by terrorists in Karachi

A Shia manager of a marriage hall was martyred in a targeted attack by takfiri terrorists in District Korangi. He was laid to rest on Sunday.

Iqbal Mehdi, a manager of a Marriage Hall came out of the office to return home late on Saturday night in Korangi 100 Quarter Area. Takfiri terrorists of Sipah-e-Sahaba opened fire upon him. He embraced martyrdom on the spot.

Body was shifted to Imam Bargah Hussaini in Korangi 2 1/2 where Shia Muslims offered his funeral prayer on Sunday.

Shia leaders and parties have condemned the targeted murder of another Shia in Karachi. They said that Shia genocide continued unabated in Karachi because Sindh government and law enforcement agencies failed to punish the terrorists.


source : www.abna.ir
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