Thursday 9th of January 2025
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Cure of a Serious Illness

Cure of a Serious Illness

A man by the name of Mīrzā Asadullāh, who was a guard at the shrine of Lady Fatima Masuma (A), developed gangrene in one foot. It had become so bad that the doctors advised amputation of the foot to halt the progress of the disease.

The night before the scheduled amputation, Mīrzā Asadullāh decided to go to the shrine of Lady Fatima Masuma (A) and pray for a miracle. He prayed earnestly in the shrine late into the night, until the shrine was shut. He remained inside weeping and beseeching the noble lady for assistance.


Next day early morning, while it was still dark, the guards who had come to reopen the doors of the Shrine heard him shouting, "Open the door, the Lady has been kind to me, through her intercession I have been cured."

They opened the doors and found Mīrzā Asadullāh standing there, completely cured. He gave the following account of the events leading up to his cure, which have been recorded in his words:

"A noble lady approached me and asked: ‘What is it that you want?' I replied, ‘Cure me of this illness in my foot; ask Allah for my cure or my death!'

Then that noble Lady rubbed the corner of her scarf on my foot a few times and said: ‘Allah has cured you'. Immediately, I felt better and the constant pain in my foot disappeared. I asked her who she was, and she replied: ‘How do you not recognize me, while you are one of the guards of my shrine? I am Fatima, daughter of Mūsā ibn Ja`far.'"

Seeking guidance from Lady Fatima Masuma (A) by MullāSadrā:

S adr al-Dīn Muhamad ibn Ibrāhīm Shīrāzī, well known as MullāSadrā orSadr al-Muta'allihīn, was a great scholar of philosophy during the time of the Safavids. After the death of his father, MullāSadrā moved to a village called "Kahak" (near Qum ), where he spent a lot of his time in deep thought and contemplation.

MullāSadrā would continuously go to Makka for pilgrimage and it was on his return from the seventh of these journeys that he died in Basra , in the year 1050 A.H.

His works include: Al-Hikmat al-Muta‘ālīyat fī al-Asfār al-‘Aqlīyah al-Arbi‘at (The Transcendent Wisdom Concerning the Four Intellectual Journeys), Kitāb al-Mashā‘ir (The Book of Metaphysical Penetrations) and Al-Hikmat al-‘Arshīyat (The Wisdom of the Throne).

Whenever MullāSadrā encountered any scholarly problems he would travel to Qum and pay homage to Lady Fatima Masuma (A) and through her guidance, he would be able to solve these problems.

The late Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Shahāb al-Dīn Mar`ashī Najafī has said, "Whenever MullāSadrā faced a philosophical problem or something which he had difficulty in understanding, he would come to the shrine of Lady Fatima Masuma (A) and ask for her assistance. With her help, he would invariably find the answers which he was searching for."

The resolution of the difficulties of Ayatollah Najafī by Lady Fatima Masuma (A):

The late Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Shahāb al-Dīn Mar`ashī Najafī narrates, "When I was young, I faced some difficult times, the most difficult of which was when I wanted to get my daughter married and did not have the money or possessions for her trousseau.

With sadness in my heart I went to the shrine of Lady Fatima Masuma (A) and with tears in my eyes, I asked reproachfully, ‘Oh my Lady and Mistress, why do you not care about my life? How can I get my daughter married with these empty hands?'

After pleading in this manner, I returned home. I dozed off and in my dream I heard someone knocking at my door. I opened it, there stood a person who said: ‘The lady is seeking you.' I quickly went to the shrine.

When I entered the courtyard, I saw a number of ladies cleaning the golden porch. I asked them why they were cleaning so thoroughly, they replied that the lady was coming soon. After a little time, Lady Fatima Masuma (A) appeared. Her appearance and manner, was just like my grandmother, Lady Fatima Zahra (A), whom I had previously seen in my dreams three times.

I went closer to my aunt, Lady Fatima Masuma (A) and kissed her hand. She said to me: ‘Oh Shahāb! When have we not thought of you, that you now expect harshness from us and are complaining. You have been under our eyes since the time you have arrived in Qum and we have been granting you your desires.'

When I woke from my sleep. I understood that I had been impolite in my approach to Lady Fatima Masuma (A) and so I immediately went to her shrine to apologize and ask for her forgiveness. Soon after that, my problems were solved and my life became easier.

This is a mention of only a few of the miracles as there is not enough space in this book to mention more. However, probably, the greatest of all the miracles of this noble lady is her influence on this city of Qum which has become what it is, due to her presence, guidance, inspiration and blessing.

cure of a serious illness

The Site of Miracles - The Holy Shrine of Lady Fatima Masuma (A)

[82] Anwār al-Masha`sha`īn , vol. 1, p. 216.

[83] Shaykh `Abbās Qummī , Fawā'id al-Radawīyah , p. 379.

[84] Ghanjīne-ye Dānishmandān , vol. 1, p. 39.

[85] `Alī Rafī`ī, Shahāb-e Sharī`at (Biography of Ayatollah Mar`ashī Najafī), p. 288.


source : www.tebyan.net
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