Saturday 28th of September 2024
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Imam of Ahl ul Sunnah Idrees Shaafi condemned Abu Hanifa

Imam of Ahl ul Sunnah Idrees Shaafi condemned Abu Hanifa

Imam Shaafi in "Tabaqat ai Kubra" writes:

I have read Abu Hanifa Numans books and Numan and his followers proclaim that we believe in the Quran and Allah (swt) but they are opposed to it.

In "Isthaqsai al Ahfam" it's written:

.that there was a debate between Imam Shaafi and Muhammad bin Hasan who was the student of Imam Azam and this is recorded by Yaqoodh Hamoowi in Muajum al Adbha by Shah Waliyullah in Risala Insaaf fi biyaan Subu ay Ikhthilaaf and Radhi in his Risala Tarjhi Madhab Shaafi that Shaafi said I said to Muhammad bin Hasan that I have read you book and apart from bismillah it is all wrong.

This is a slap in the face of the Deobandis.


source : www.rafed.net
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